Chapter Twenty-Nine

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A/N: Part one of my 'Kirstie and Hannah's Birthday Week Celebration!' XD

"Do you think I should get another dog Mitch?" Kirstie speaks into her phone, her other hand playing with the bubbles in her bath.
     "I don't know, whether I say you should or not you'll do what you want anyway." Kirstie chooses to ignore the tone her best friend is using with her right now.
     "Probably not yet, but another one would be nice."
     "Wouldn't you need to run it by Avi first?"
     "He loves Tyrion and Sansa, he'd love any other I brought in I'm sure," again she ignores his tone.
     He sighs, "Not what I meant."
     "Okay, well I'm thinking about a new tattoo too."
     "Oh well that one you better run by your boyfriend."
     She is sure she can hear the eye rolls Mitch is producing on the other end of this call. "Mitch what is your problem?"
     "Problem? No problem."
     "Liar. Do you not like Avi?"
     "You never shut up about him!"
     "You were the one who brought him up in this conversation!"
     "Why'd you plug his tour and not mine?"
     "What?" Kirstie frowns.
     "I was on tour two months ago, you never said a word, I'm your best friend and you never said anything. You spend so much time with him and I never see you anymore, and you tell your fans about his tour and recommend his music, you've never done that for me. You've known me since high school, you met him three months ago, how the fuck is that fair?"
     Kirstie is speechless, that doesn't happen often, "Mitch, I-"
     "No, no, save it, you always do this when you date someone, you always forget about everyone else. When was the last time you spoke to your mom?"
     "That's not fair," Kirstie's voice hitches.
     "Not fair? I reckon it was around about hmm... three months ago. I bet she's getting all her information about her daughter's new boyfriend second hand like I am."
     "If it upsets you this much then why haven't you told me before? Like obviously I haven't realised I'm doing this!"
     "It's boyfriend blinkers, and girl you got them on 100 percent of the time. It's sickening."
     "It's not true! Sure I spend a lot of time with Avi, but it's new, we're figuring stuff out, it's always like that with a new relationship and you know it! But all the times when I'm not with Avi I'm working on my album and you know that too! Stop acting so righteous!"
     "Righteous! Are you fucking kidding?" He scoffs.
     "No I'm not, you're getting up yourself because you're jealous. You're not in a relationship so you try and make me feel bad about mine. I'm sorry that I never plugged your tour, but it was never my intention to do that for him either, circumstance lead that way, it just happened. Now stop being a baby about it please!" Kirstie is getting very upset.
     "No," Mitch replies before the line went dead.
     Kirstie screams into the phone, she cannot believe Mitch right now.
Her arm goes back and she launches her phone across the bathroom, it hits her long mirror on the back of the door and shards of glass hit the ground as her phone does and the screen goes black.


Avi couldn't believe it, not only have his next three shows sold out, as well as most of his tour, but he couldn't get through to Kirstie, he kept getting her voicemail, bizarre. He wants to thank her, Brad found out what she did and Avi couldn't be more grateful. It didn't even matter that he was going to have to keep saying his spiel, he has new fans, fans from a very unexpected place. And he knows that it must be beyond obvious to the public that he and Kirstie are an item, but all is well so far so all good. Avi does have to wonder though if Kirstie's seeing lots of bad stuff on Tweeter, maybe that's why she's not answering his calls. So he rings Kevin.
     "Look at you, you're using your phone Avriel."
      "Shut-up," he chuckled. "Was Kirstie in the studio today?"
     "Yeah, all's going real well. Why?"
     "She's not answering my calls. I just wanted to thank her for what she said to her fans about my tour."
     "That has worked spectacularly hasn't it? I was a little apprehensive when I saw the live stream but the reaction was overwhelmingly positive. And I don't know why she wouldn't be answering your calls."
     "I was thinking she might not be answering because of negative reactions, sure it's mostly positive, but has there been anything bad?"
     "There's always bad Avi, it's just for once the good is doing a good job of hiding it."
     "So why is she not answering me then? I'm worried Kevin!"
     "Maybe she's taking a nap, who knows, Avi I'm sure she's fine."
     "I haven't done something else to piss her off right?"
     "Not to my knowledge."
     "Kevin my phone is beeping at me, why is it doing that?"
     "It means someone else is trying to call you."
     "There's a button, it swaps the call or you can hang up on me and answer the new call."
     Avi pulls the phone away from his ear, presses the button and puts it back to his ear. "Hello."
     "Still me Avi," Kevin has humour in his voice. "You are like an old man sometimes, just hang up and answer the new call."
     Avi does as he's told, "Hello."
     "Finally, it's good to hear-"
     Avi hangs up and drops his phone onto the couch of his hotel room. He goes to take a shower, anything is better than that.

A/N: Is Kirstie being a bad friend or is Mitch overreacting?

Please vote and comment, it really makes my day (comments make terrific birthday presents, keep that in mind for Friday lol XD XD XD)

Hannah :)

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