Chapter 7

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A/N: I'm going to see Captain America Civil War tomorrow, and I'm super excited, and I can't sleep cause it's gonna be good!!! XD

Here's 1800 words for you all!

Chapter 7

Avi walked through the door into Kevin's office, he stops and throws his helmet onto the sofa along the wall.
     "So I read it, and I'm sure she didn't mean anything by it, just accept her apology Avi," Kevin says, standing up from behind his desk.
     Avi turns to Kevin surprised, "She got to you already?!"
     "See Avi there's this thing called texting," he holds up his phone, waving it from side to side.
     "I know texting," he rolls his eyes before he flops down onto the couch. "She meant everything by it, who does she think she is, broadcasting it like that."
     "Pretty much everyone already knows about it Avi."
     "Because of the stupid internet," he mumbles, slouching down with his arms crossed and a pout playing at his lips.
     "Yes, because of the stupid internet, but Kirstie was just trying to be nice, you read it, you should be able to see she's on your side. You're only upset because she talked about you, otherwise it's a good message isn't it?"
     "It's a good message," he nods in agreement.
     "So let her say she's sorry and move on from it, help her with some new songs, she wants to write more."
     Avi shakes his head, "Nope, I'm not writing anything else that'll be turned into pop trash, no thank you."
     "Have you even heard the beat I put down for it? It's nothing like anything she's done, I think you'll actually like it. See Kirst made the very good point of you wrote it with her so it's allowed to sound different, the executives ate it up," he grins.
     "She's recorded it already? She was literally just asking me to sing it with her before," he frowns.
     "We sorted the sound, she still has to record the lyrics, I think it would be a really good idea to sing it with her, it'll make you look more sociable."
     Avi raises an eyebrow, "I'm not already?"
     "Not in the least, sing it with her?"
     "I don't know Kev, singing a love song with her, what if people get the wrong idea about us?"
     "Ahh," he holds up a finger, "But it's not a love song is it? No it's a song about a type of love," he smirks as he repeats Avi's earlier words.


That afternoon, Avi stood leant up against the wall outside the KO building, he had his helmet tucked under his arm as he watched the cars pass, he waited.
     He soon heard the click of heels and jumped up from the wall as Kirstie speed out of the building, he followed her at the same pace.
     "Hey! Hey Kirstie!" he calls out, slowing down as she comes to a stop and turns around.
     "Oh you're still here? I thought I was going to have to hunt you down tomorrow because I-"
     "Kirstie, I'm sorry-"
     "No, you can't be sorry, I'm the one who needs to be sorry, I posted about you when I shouldn't have, even though I never said it was you, it was obvious, and I'm very, very sorry Avi."
     "And I accept that, I also know you didn't mean anything by it, that's why I wanted to apologise to you as well, I'm sorry."
     "Well I didn't think it was going to be so easy, I was going to offer to buy you dinner to make up for it?"
     "Buy me dinner? What kind of dinner?"
     Kirstie breaks into a smile, "Well see I heard this rumor that you have a thing for barbeque, so I found this really neat place, it's a little different, but I've been there and it's great, it might be Greek... or it might not be, I'll have to look it up," she rambles off.
     "I love barbeque, so it's not a surprise that you heard that, I must have said it to someone at some point," he laughs, "But yeah I'd really like that, I love food so you've got me sold, but you don't have to buy mine, I mean we're all good now, we can just go out... as you know, friends," he shrugs.
     She nods, "Yeah, that sounds really... great."
     "Meet there about six? Less likely to be seen you know, early," he shrugs.
     She nods, "Makes sense, but you know maybe you could pick me up?" she suggests. She pats his helmet as she continues with a smirk, "I reckon I'd look pretty good on the back of your bike."
     "Uhh, no you know what I have a car too, I mean I don't have a spare helmet, so I'd have to pick you up in my car, and it's low on gas, it'd just be easier to meet there."
     "But I don't drive, and my driver, wel-"
     "Fine I'll pick you up, but I will be in my car and we will be stopping for gas," he says quickly, then gives her a quick smile. "I'll see you later."
     "At six," she smiles.
     "At six," he confirms. Avi turns walking over to his bike as Kirstie watches him, trying to contain her smile, she waves as he drives off, out of the carpark.

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