The air smelt of burning rubber, burnt hair, skin, and bone. The synch spell that Winston, Dorien, and Trinity had cast faded away leaving nothing but a pile of ash.
"The... pain..." Randal had crawled to the ashes his breath wheezy, "He felt... so... much... It's so unbearable..."
"You... you three killed him... Do you realize what you've done! They're under a binding spell! Each and every last of them!"
Dorien smiled, "We know."
"In moments they will go into shock. Their bodies will shut down and soon after they'll die," Winston showed the exact same smile as Dorien.
Trinity looked sad but wickedly happy, "Such a shame though... The one with black hair is so cute."
"Three birds, one stone. Haha. Your bloodlines gone. Just... like," Dorien snapped his fingers, "...that..."
I was completely speechless. I tried to say something. I wanted to curse at them. I wanted to kill them. I wanted them to suffer. I wanted it so bad but I couldn't do anything. I tried to move, I couldn't. I tried to think, I couldn't. I tried to do something but I couldn't do anything. All I could do was listen. Even breathing felt impossible. My heart thumped in my ear it sped up then began to slow. Thumpthumpthump. Thumpthump... thump...Thump thump thump. Thump thump thump. Thump... thump... thump... Thump... thum... thu...
Everything faded.
"Th.... No... com... to... clo..."
There was a familiar voice that sank through my fading consciousness, "Meyers the... spe... remov..."
"Can't... tem..."
"Then... and.. cas... again..."
"By... rig... wil... let... be... fre..."
Warmth fell over me then I felt nothing and darkness fell once again.
"Ho... .th... pr..."
I opened my eyes for a moment. My vision was blur making it impossible to make out anything.
"I... they... i..."
A woman spoke to a man, their words muddled and muffled...
The man seemed to be looking at something, "Ed... qui... Cas..."
I felt the warmth again. It was nice. It reminded me of the way my mother held me after I got hurt. It was comforting. The feeling seeped into my whole body. Sounds started coming in more clearly. I heard beeping, chatter, running water.
Where am I?
"I can't believe it..." My eyes were forced open and a yellow light passed by them. "He's alive. He's even waking up..."
My slowed body started to catch-up with me. I felt my heartbeat quicken ever-so slightly until it became steady and rhythmic. I felt my muscles ache. I felt the temperature. Everything seemed to be coming back to me. I eyed about the room. It seemed to be a part of hospital, possibly an E? Lane and Randal were each to the side of me seemingly stirring as well.
Professor Quin was at the side of my bed dressed in a coat and scrubs, "Welcome back to the land of the living." His voice was the one I had heard.
Principal Meyers stood next to him, "I'm not impressed son of Leo..."
Everything that had happened came back as a flood washing me over with anger, hate, and a sense of brokenness.
Original - With Wrath, the Fall
Ficção GeralIn a future United States of America, Randal, Lane, Keagan, and Kalvin, wielders of the celestial magics, are bound by a spell that emotionally, mentally, and physically connects them. Stepping from the shadows, an ancient evil exploits this unique...