Chapter 13

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Dedicating this chapter to Ella_Cold :) thanks so much for reading and voting on this story, it means very much to me! Thanks darling <3

Jade P.O.V

I changed quickly and put my hair in a nice ponytail. I looked at myself in the mirror, I would have to cut my hair soon, it was getting too long now, it was almost up to my waist! I smiled more as I smelled food coming from the kitchen. I put on my shoes and I flew down the hall towards the kitchen. I grinned more, Ashton was a marvelous cook! I blushed, Ashton, he simply made me blush as I thought about him!

 I pictured his muscles in my head, oh those muscles! I grinned more and went to the kitchen eager to hang out with Ashton. His scent was surrounding me and it was getting me more and more eager to see him.

"Hope you'r hungry Jade!" Ashton said smiling at me as I came in the kitchen. I smiled and nodded "Yeah thanks to you I didnt eat breakfast!" I said going to the counter and sitting up.

 Ashton smirked "So now I'm affecting your eating habits?" he asked putting things in a bowl. I smiled and nodded again "Yeah so you better buy lots of popcorn tonight" I said eating some of the pasta he had put on the bowl. He tried to smack my hand and I pulled it away laughing before he could smack it. "Whatever the mademoiselle wishes" he said looking at the bowl. I smiled at him and watched him cook food.

 "Does your nose still hurt?" he asked cutting vegetables. I widened my eyes surprised at how fast he was managing the knife. "jade?" he asked. I snapped my eyes to him and smiled "As if it never happened" I said wishing we could forget about it.

 "I think you do have a wolf Jade" he said quietly, I frowned "No I dont, I cant shift" I told him grabbing a carrot and biting it. Ashton tried to smack my hand again and I pulled it too fast giggling. He smiled and rolled his eyes "So impatient!" he mumbled.

 "No but seriously Jade I think you do actually have a wolf" he said. I rolled my eyes "Ashton stop saying silly things!" I said. He stopped cutting the vegetables and he looked at me "Your eyes changed color when you were fighting me" he said. I gulped and looked down quickly, I never wanted to feel that feeling again! "So?" I asked very quietly. "So that means you must have a wolf if your eyes turn dark when you get mad" he said. I frowned "My eyes dont turn dark when I get mad!" I said crossing my arms.

 He sighed "Yes they do! When you get very VERY mad!" he said smirking at me. I rolled my eyes again "Ashton you're crazy!" i said laughing.

 "Crazy for you" he mumbled cutting again the vegetables. I watched him intently noticing every little detail about him. I saw Ashton differently now for some reason, I honestly didnt see him as a friend anymore. I saw him more as a....person I liked. As a crush...

 I blushed and looked down at my hands, how could it be possible? A half shifter feeling something for a vampire. It could never be!

 I gulped and looked at Ashton again, he was too busy to notice me staring at him. He had a little serious frown on his face, the one he got when ever he focused on something to much. I looked at his beautiful eyes, at the way his hair stuck up wildly in the front and in the back all softly, the little mark he had on his cheek.

 I looked at the way his arms flexed every time he cut something. I blushed more, why was I noticing all these small things about him now?

 I looked at his lips, those lips... I sighed wondering how they would feel pressed against mine. I blushed more and wished I could feel Ashton's lips on mine.

 His eyes snapped up to mine and he smiled at me making butterflies flutter in my stomach. I smiled back and bit my lip, I wondered if Ashton felt attracted to me. I mean, i wasnt as gorgeous as him but I did have some good looks, and this whole time I had been his friends Ashton never mentioned any girl at all. He always spent his time with me.

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