#8: Dancing

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Rose POV:

"Everyone! can I have your attention" Mr. Choi, our dance instructor called out

He sat down on one of the benches in the dance studio and we all gathered around him turning our attention towards him

"Ok, if I call your name please follow me" he placed his glasses on and started reading names off the clipboard he had in his hand

"Lee Jieun, Jessica Jung, Im Sohee......... and Rose Lee"

The names finished off with mine and I looked up in shock, I didn't expect my name to be called. I noticed that the names he called were all Female trainees, what could that be about?

"The rest of you please continue practicing" the middle-aged man smiled at the rest of the trainees before getting up to leave

I, and the rest of the trainees who were called, followed the man until he stopped inside of another dance studio. Once he was seated, he told us to, one by one, freestyle in front of him.

We were all confused looking at each other wondering who'd go first, until Jieun, one of the best dancing trainees got the courage to step out first and from there everyone went after her.

Once we were all done, we stood in a line in front of Mr. Choi. He was writing something on that clipboard of his before he raised his head up to look at us.

"Ok, you all were great but if I call your name you're gonna have to leave sadly" he shifted his eyes back to the clipboard in his hand and started calling out names

"Uhh.. Im Sohee, Kim Naeun and Tanaka Aiko"

The trainees who were called slowly bowed their heads and left to do their own thing. Now that there were 7 trainees left, Mr. Choi told us to have a seat because he was gonna explain something important.

"Ok so, I don't know if you know this or not but, one of our idol groups are gonna go on a tour very soon" he placed his clipboard down and stood in front of us crossing his hands behind his back

"and for that, their dancer line prepared solos. But for their solos, they needed females back up dancers" he continued the rest of the talk while pacing back and fourth in front of us

after the short explanation, we were now kinda connecting the dots

"Basically what I am trying to say is, we need 3 back up dancers to get on the tour with them and help them with the solos" Mr. Choi clasped his hands together once he was done summing up the whole gathering

He further explained what we had to do in order to make it. There were 3 concepts that we had to choose from, the trainee who aces that concept will probably make it and get to go on a tour with the group, that was still unknown to us.

"The last thing I want to say before I leave you guys,  you have a week from now to work on your choreography. I suggest you start working right away" and with that the dance instructor left to let us decide who will take which concept

out of the 3 concepts, powerful, elegant and sexy, powerful was chosen the most and so we had to battle it out. I wanted to go for the elegant concept but since I lost and nobody wanted to do the sexy concept I ended up with that concept along side one other trainee, Kim Jiwon.

'great' I thought to myself, note the sarcasm.

Everyone started working right away, some were working on their music while others were already planning their moves. I was embarrassed to dance in front of the other trainees in a sexual way so I left trying to find an empty place.

I decided to dance to partition by Beyonce, this was my go-to hoe song and it felt like the perfect fit for a sexy dance.

I was never good at body rolls, slut dropping nor any of these moves that were considered erotic, I consider myself more of a hip hop dancer. Sadly, there was no hip hop concept and so I had to work with that I got.

After too many failed attempts, I got frustrated and decided to just have a break and continue tomorrow, it was getting late anyway so I headed home.

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