#11: Crush

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Rose POV:

I tried coming up with a few moves for my choreography but my brain wasn't helping me. Dancing used to be something I was very good at and passionate with, but lately, I've been feeling distant toward it.

Dancing wasn't as fun as it used to be and it was paining me mentally to think that the thing I loved the most in life I wasn't enjoying.

Nonetheless, I kept trying hoping one day I'll get my love for dancing back. Until then I'm gonna try my hardest to show everyone that I can do it. I, Rose Lee, can win this competition.

Just when I was ready to play the music again, the dance studio door opened and the person I was waiting for entered.

He was wearing his dancing clothes which consisted of sweatpants and a random shirt. I didn't know casual clothes looked this hot until I saw him in them

I shook my head and knocked some sense into it. Focus Rose you're here to learn from him not to crush on him I reminded myself.

"You sure are hard working" he chuckled as he placed his bag on the floor

My face flushed red, his chuckle sounded so sexy, but again I mentally remained myself to focus again.

"So show me what you got so far" Minho said while sitting on the studio benches

I took a deep breath and started the music before dancing to the awful choreo that I made. Once I finished, I stopped the music and waited for Minho's reaction.

"Ok, it wasn't bad but it definitely needs a lot more work on it" with that Minho got up from his seat and approached me

"In some specific moves your arm should be like this" he stood behind me as he fixed my position

when his arm made contact with mine I tensed. Holy cow his arm was just gently placing mine in place, yet I felt so intimidated by it.

The whole time Minho was fixing my choreo, I had a couple of moments where I slipped and started daydreaming about him.

Hours went by and we were almost done. I had gained back my Consciousness and stopped daydreaming about how hot Minho was, as well as my confidence since I was able to do the entire choreo without messing up.

"1 2 3 4 and turn! Yes good job!" Minho kept motivating me throughout our practice session.

The simple good jobs made my heart burst into happiness.

After exactly 5 hours of practicing and choreographing, I was finally satisfied with the routine and I had completely mastered it, thanks to Minho's help

"You did great!" Minho exclaimed as he passed me a dry towel to wipe the sweat off

"Thanks a lot" I thanked him and he brushed it off as a favor from friend to another friend

Ouch friendzoned... No! There was nothing between us! Mentally fighting with yourself again Rose, aren't you...

Through these 5 hours, I could say I became close to Minho. At least there was no more awkward silences anymore.

"Hmm... Rose" Minho called me as I was packing ready to leave home

"Yes?" I turned my head towards him

"Do you maybe wanna grab a cup of coffee? I kinda don't want to say goodbye yet" he said while scratching the back of his head awkwardly

IS HE ASKING YOU OUT ON A DATE? No Rose! He's a damn friend stop it with your love stories

"Sure, I don't mind" I accepted his offer and he immediately smiled

We headed out together to the JYP coffee shop near the building, we decided not to go too far to avoid dating scandals, rumors spread faster than wild fires these days.

"So, tell me about yourself. What are your hobbies and your favorite things to do" Minho said as he took a sip from his iced latte

This seemed like a date but, heck, I did not mind it at all.

"Well my biggest hobby is dancing but I like singing, alone that is. I also love photographing" I said enthusiastically while trying to remember some of the stuff that I liked to do

"Ohh thats nice, My biggest hobby is also dancing" he grinned that heart warming grin of his

We talked for about 30 minutes before Minho got a call from his members that they're recording for their album. Minho excused himself and promised to text me later on before he bid his goodbyes.

I felt disappointed, 30 minutes were not enough. But then again I spent 5 hours choreographing with him so why am I complaining.

After finishing my drink I, as well, decided to head home. I was in a better mood now that I've washed off the stress of the competition.

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