#40: home alone

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Rose took out her keys and unlocked the house door with Felix standing right behind her, he was standing rather awkwardly not knowing what to actually do. Once the door was open, she stepped inside and Felix followed behind closing the door behind him

He looked around the house almost in shock, there was nothing shocking about the house itself just the fact he was home alone with his girlfriend in her house, he never expected to ever see the house rose lives in.

"Do you want to drink something? Or maybe snacks? My mom stocked up the house before she left" Rose went to the kitchen and yelled out to Felix who was sitting in the living room

"Anything's fine, surprise me babe" raised his voice enough for her to hear

"Alright," Rose yelled back

Felix then heard sound the sound of Rose moving around in the kitchen.

'She was sure working hard' Felix giggled to himself at his girlfriend trying to impress him

Rose was always the impresser type, she loved making people shocked with what she can do and that's what Felix loved about her shes full of surprises. He couldn't wait to see what other surprises she has for him, his face almost turned red at all the things he was imagining but he quickly removed the thoughts

In the meantime, Felix took his chance to look around his surroundings. Rose's house was decorated really well, it was mostly filled with photo frames of what Felix could guess was her and her sister with their mom being present in some of the pictures. His eyes sat on one of the photos, it was nothing special just Rose holding a gold medal in her hand while smiling brightly at the camera, however he found it very captivating.

Just then Rose came out of the kitchen holding a tray full of snacks and two cups of juice. She saw her boyfriend looking at her childhood photos and she immediately got embarrassed.

"Oh my God, what are you doing" she rushed over to him and pulled him away from the photo frames

It was too late though, Felix had already seen everything. He even had his phone out ready to take a picture of the photo of Rose smiling brightly but sadly he was intruppted by her

"Aw come on, just one photo Rosie" Felix begged his girlfriend to let him take a picture of that photo but Rose had already put her foot down

"absolutely not, I look horrendous. I want you to look at only pretty pictures of me"

And with that Felix had to give up, he gave a looke of goodbye to the photo before letting Rose drag him once again.

He sat next to her and stared at the tray of snacks with big eyes, all his favorite snacks were there.

"I knew you'd like those, I remember you'd buy a lot of them after practice" Rose held up the chips that Felix was eyeing the most before giving it to him

"I'm surprised you paid attention" Felix grinned taking the bag from Rose hand

"of course I would" Rose smiled proud of the fact she made her boyfriend happy


The two snacked on the food while a movie was playing in the background, it was Fekix's idea so the atmosphere wouldn't get too awkward. However neither of them paid attention to the movie and were discussing the various snacks they had and which tasted better

"Woah I didn't know you were an expert in picking good snack" Rose was amused as she chewed on the cookie Felix had given her

"of course I'm an expert at it, have you seen yourself" Felix gave Rose a smug look, he saw a chance and had to take it

Rose gasped not expecting such a smooth pick up line from the guy who blushes at everything she does. She liked this side of Felix, it excited her to see what else he's capable of.

The two however quickly changed subjects and now were trying to figure out what to do about the sleeping arrangements.

"I could sleep in my sister room and you could have my room" Rose suggested even though she was against this idea, she wanted Felix to sleep in the same bed as her but she didn't want to rush anything.

"You don't have to do that, beside I'm sure your sister will give you a handful if you're in her room"

"then are you saying..." Rose smirked

"oh you're getting the wrong ideas already" Felix awkwardly chuckled

"I'm just joking, besides, it's not the first time we slept on the same bed. If you're ok with it, you can sleep on my bed"

"sounds good to me"

Rose grinned, on the inside she was celebrating, she missed being in Felix's arm. The last time they were able to cuddle was when they announced they were just dating.


"hmm I'm not sure if these will fit you but you can try them" Rose handed Felix one of her bigger sized Pj's

Felix eyed the clothes for a while, not because they were pink and had unicorns on them Felix wore smiliar pjs before, but because he was going to wear his girlfriends clothes which probably had her smell on them.

"I know they're too girly but these are the only ones I have" Rose mistook Felix hesitation for discomfort

Nonetheless, Felix took the clothes and headed to the bathroom to put them on. Surprisingly, they fit him. The shirt was a bit too tight for Felix's liking but he had no choice, he had already put his clothes in the laundry basket and he wasn't going to go out shirtless.

Once he came out of the bathroom, Rose almost choked on her drink. Her boyfriend abs were almost visible through that shirt and she didn't know how to feel about that. She never felt a thing for abs but Felix's had her feeling some type of way.

"Do I look silly" Felix chuckled

"not at all" Rose replied almost breathless

She had to pull herself together though, she didn't want to make her boyfriend uncomfortable.

She scooted over and motioned for Felix to come join her to which he happily did. She took the chance to snuggle into his arms feeling his body warmth. Felix was like a giant teddy bear, his hugs were so comfortable.

The two were content, there was no place they'd rather be other than in each other's embrace.

"Have you been working out? Your chest is getting really firm" Rose put her hand on Felix's chest feeling his abs

The boy blushed at his girlfriend soft hands feeling up his chests, he wanted to speak but words would not come out. He was getting a bit excited but he had to suppress himself, he wasn't sure they were at the stage where they could do anything more.

Rose, on the other hand, was completely oblivious. She did not mean to get Felix riled up all she had in mind was how strong his chest felt. She soon realized what she was doing when Felix let out a choked out cough. She quickly retracted her hand whilst mentally scolding herself for being an idiot.

"W-we should sle-sleep" she stuttered before turning her back to Felix, she was too horrified to face him

Felix chuckled at his girlfriend cuteness, his heart was full of love for this girl and he wouldn't have it any other way. Once he calmed down his nerves he moved to his side and slide his arm around Rose spooning her.

"Good night, love" he whispered in her ears sweetly before he dove into dreamland

Rose smiled as she whispered a faint good night back before she as well went to sleep

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