#29: Savior

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Like I promised, I took a taxi to the JYP building to check on Minho. I greeted the receptionist, who didn't question the reasoning behind me being here at 10 pm as she is used to it, then made my way to the dance studios hallway.

One of the dance studios had it's lights on, this must be the one Minho was in. I grabbed the door handle and pushed the door open.

I expected to see Minho sitting on the floor breathing heavily after practicing for too long, but instead I saw him passed out in the middle of the studio.

My heart started beating in horror as I rushed to his side. I shook him a couple of times but he was unresponsive.

"Minho? Minho please get up" I shouted hoping he just fell asleep and needed someone to yell in his ear for him to wake up

I got up and ran outside to yell for help but to my misfortune, there was no one in the entire floor. I got back inside and paced around the studio wondering what I can do.

I took out my phone and frantically dialed Chan's number, he was the first person I could think of that was related to Minho.

"Rose it's 10:30-" a sleepy Chan answered after a couple of rings but was quickly cut by me

"Chan, I found Minho passed out and I don't know what to do" I sobbed

"oh shit, ok ok stay there I'm getting help" with that Chan hung up

I sat back next to Minho and tried waking him up again but to no avail. Minutes went by and Chan was still not here. At this point, I was completely exhausted from all the crying and name calling.

The door to the studio finally was pushed open and there was Chan, alongside the manager and what looked like a paramedic. I ran to Chan and hugged him thankful that he was finally here, he patted my back as he watched the paramedic doing what he could to wake his teammate.

Chan suggested we go out and wait until he wakes up, he saw how completely out of it I was and he wanted to get me some fresh air to snap me back. I agreed to let Chan drag me away while the manager and the paramedic stayed with Minho.

We sat at the café in the JYP building and Chan bought me a warm hot chocolate for this cold weather. This whole time my hand was trembling from both the weather and the fear. Chan tried cheering me up but my mind was too clouded with the thought of losing Minho.

"What if he really overworked himself to death? I can't handle losing him" my tears fell down as I held onto the paper cup in front of me filled with warm hot chocolate.

"Stop worrying, Minho is strong he won't die easily" Chan said before putting his hand to on top of mine and caressing it

After what felt like hours, the manager came back with the good news, Minho had woken up. I was the first one to jump up from my seat to rush to his side and Chan was seconds behind me.

We got inside and Minho was sitting against the wall his eyes fully open. He was sipping on some drink the paramedic gave him due to him being dehydrated from being passed out for too long.

"I hate you so much" I fell down next to him and smacked his arm

"did I scare you?" He chuckled

"This is not funny!" I smacked his arm again

"Glad you're ok dude" Chan said with a smile while bro- hand shaking Minho

"Thank you for coming for me. I honestly didn't intend on overworking myself, it just happened" Minho thanked Chan but Chan shook his head

"you should thank Rose she was the one who called me here" Chan said pointing at me

Minho turned his head towards me and gave me a warm smile. He brought his hand to my hair and ruffled it.

"Thank you my angel" he grinned

My cheeks blushed and Minho noticed it, he pinched my now pink cheeks while giggling at how flustered I was.

"Hey stop it Im still mad at you, why did you do this to yourself" I pouted pushing his hand away before glaring at him

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it" Minho faked a cry

"ok fine I forgive you, just don't ever do it again" I jokingly threatened him and he nodded obediently

The manager told Chan and Minho they had to go back to the dorm now, so they both got up and Chan lead Minho to the car. As for me, the manager offered me a ride home with the boys but I declined it not wanting to be more of a bother.

I bid the boys goodbye and left to find a taxi that would take me home at this hour.

A/N: Im sorry I didn't update for so long I had a week of finals and I was busy with other stuff too 😭😭

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