#37: Finally

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Rose POV:

I panted for air as I stood still in my final position in the performance. The fans were screaming so loud it made me want to dance all over again, but sadly our performance was over.

Once the light dimmed down, me and the rest of the backup dancers hurried backstage while the stray kids members went for a quick wardrobe change and final touches from the makeup artists for their encore stage

As of now, our part as backup dancers was done so we changed back into our causal outfits and sat down watching the live show from a screen in the changing room.

My eyes lit up as I saw how amazing the Stray kids members were at performing, it's like they were born to be on a stage. The loud cheers from the crowd confirmed my point.

My heart skipped a beat when Felix's face appeared on the screen. He was glistening with sweat from all the dancing and jumping around but he didn't seem tired at all. Despite me being really squeamish around sweaty humans, I found his sweaty form stunning.

Once the members bid farewell to their fans and the light dimmed down, I made my way to their changing room to congratulate them on their successful first stop.

I high fived each member as they stepped inside but one of them was missing, Felix. He was no where to be seen.

"Hey, Chan" I called out to the leader who was changing out of his shirt

"what's up?" He said with his dimple smile once he discarded the shirt

I wasn't the type to swoon over abs so his shirtless body really didn't faze me. I guess the members guessed that a long time ago since they're comfortable with changing out of their shirts in front of me.

"where's Felix?" I asked as I scanned around the room hoping I mislocated him and he was just here all along

"he said he had something to do and he'll be back soon"

"oh..." Something wasn't sitting right with me

I decided to look for him, Felix isn't the type to go missing without a reason. I congratuled the members once again and headed out.

I made my way to the backstage area thinking he was most likely to be there, and I was right. He was standing as if he was talking to someone but there was no one there.

There was a frustrated look on his face, he looked as if was practicing a speech or something of that sort. At first, I couldn't hear what he was saying since I was a bit far from him, but the closer I got the more clearer his voice got.

"hm hey, I want to tell you something- no no that doesn't sound right" he shook his head in disappointment

"Maybe if I say, hey I like you! Isn't that too straightforward?"

I couldn't help but giggle a bit, he was practicing his confession and it was very cute. Who was he confessing to though? 

"Hi!" I greeted him with enthusiasm and he got startled

"Shit, Rose, you scared me" he held onto his chest

"sorry" I giggled "so what are you doing?"

"Uhh... What I'm doing? Hmm... I'm just..." Felix stammered trying to find the right words

"I hope I wasn't being nosy, but I heard what you were saying" once those words left my mouth I noticed Felix face turn a bright shade of pink

"oh– it's not what you think!" He said in a high pitch voice while waving his hand frantically

I wasn't really expecting his confession to be for me but I felt a bang of sadness when he said that.

"Actually, to be honest, I like someone" Felix said in a much calmer voice

"this person that I like, they're the most amazing human being I've ever met." He continued

I could tell Felix wasn't the best at telling people his personal feelings as he kept moving around and avoiding eye contact.

"I'm telling you this because..." He took a long sigh

"I'm telling you this because I like you!" He spoke with much more confident

I stopped breathing for a second, I couldnt believe what I just heard. The Felix Lee, my crush, the person I've been dying to tell my true feelings, just confessed that he liked me

"please say something I'm stressed out" he closed his eyes afraid to see my expression

"oh sorry I was just, shocked..." I trailed

"so what's your answer?" He but his lip in anticipation

"Answer to what?" I pretended to be dumbfounded just so I could see his cute frustrated face

"come on Rose, I'm asking you out, what do you say?" He whined his face turning even more pink than before

This was the most frustrated and embarrassed I've seen Felix, he was always confident and held his head up high. Was telling someone his personal feelings that hard for him?

"I like you too dummy, I've did for so long but you were always too dumb to notice" I felt bad for him so I decided to put an end to his misery

Felix looked as if he was holding his breath for too long and finally was able to let it out, his face went from being really red to a normal shade

We were both very awkward and did not know what to go next from here, so we just stood there looking at each other with adoration.

"So, does that mean I can kiss you?" Felix asked and I giggled

"why? What's funny?" Felix looked puzzled

"no its nothing, just the fact that you have to ask for my permission to kiss me" I smiled and he chuckled embarrassingly

And with that, Felix took a step towards me limiting the space between us. He held my face and connected our lips, this time in an actual genuine kiss unlike our previous one.

His lips were as soft and delicate as last time, and they moved perfectly in sync with mine. It felt amazing, nothing could compare to kissing a person you were longing for.

One of his hands was around my waist while the other was one my cheek. His thumb caressed my cheeks slowly while I wrapped my arms around his neck.

Felix slowly pulled away looking at me with loving eyes, my heart melted. I was overwhelmed with happiness, I didn't notice my eyes tearing up

"why are you crying? Are you ok?" Felix panicked

"It's ok I'm ok, I'm just really happy" I giggled finding it cute how he was worried about me.

Felix sighed before intertwining our hands and pulling me with him to wherever he was taking me.

"Where are we going?" I smiled at how Felix looked like an excited child that just got a new toy.

"I'm going to tell everyone you're finally mine" he grinned as he dragged me to the members changing room.


Ik ik I took forever to update, tbh I lost motivation for this story and I just want to end it so I can begin with a new project 😂😂

So if the chapter get shitter I'm sorry about that 🥺🥺 I really wanna finish this book since it's gonna be a one year old book soon

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