Not a Tree Hugger

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I was just told that Ash doesn't like this. Oh my god. You know what this means? Scare the crap outta her. Ha ha ha. I must write this now.

Nick's POV: 

I can't believe that I did it. They are so going to hate me. It was really because I had no other choice. Honest mistake. First thing that came to mind. Unconsciously did it. Not my fault. Ok, maybe it was my fault. Maybe I was thinking about what it would be like to meet Slenderman when my friend was talking about math, or about this chick he thought was hot. Maybe when the others drew a blank, the first thing that came to my head was eyeless jack. Really, I had no control. 

When we were standing in the middle of a forest, maybe I felt kinda bad when I set us all up for certain death. Ok a bit more. Or a lot. Ok, I felt really guilty. 

"Where are we?" Ash asked looking around.

I laughed and rubbed the back of my neck." that's actually a funny story.."

"What do you mean?" Jamie asked, looking around and his eyes turning pink. Aw, he copied our powers, he growing up. No, not the time. Have to stay on topic.

"We may or may not have landed in Slenderman's forest," I said, looking around just so we do not get killed. No big deal.

"What?" they cried. Jamie's was just confusion, while Ash's was anger.

"Well Jamie, we have found ourselves in a forest led by a demon and a crap ton of immortal psycho killers," I explained to him. He looked shocked, angry, and slightly scared as he kept his guard up and looked around. 

"Guys, if you see him, run, I will try to get him to join our side, but just run, you hear me!" I yelled, barking their order.

"What do you- Holy shit!" Jamie yelled, dashing through the forest after dragging Ash with him. I turned to where Jamie was facing and I saw him. I turned my eyes pink and walked toward him, even as my eyes began to blur and my mind became fuzzy.

"We need your help,"


Jamies POV:

This is one of the reasons I never hung out with freaks. They were always too dark and weird to go near. I used to even joke about how if we got too close we could catch their fever. Now, I am just pissed and running with a crazy Ash here. I really wish it was Nick. It was like she knew I was gay, and she helped me out even though I tried to kill Ash and her. She better keep her promise and get me piercings or so help me I will pull her body from the other world and shove it into her demented body.

I kept running with the thought that she promised me, and it kept me going.

"We have to go back!" Ash yelled, pulling on sweater sleeve. I honestly didn't know how to feel about it, but after I put it on I felt so warm and fuzzy, and I felt like it was light and warm. It even covered my hands! I feel like a tiny baby in a- wait, stay on topic, we are trying to stay alive here. 

"No, we have to keep running," I told her, picking up the pace. 

"But Nick is back there! How can you kept running even after she went up against that killer?!" she screamed at me. I turned around and grabbed her by the shoulders.

"She will be alright!  Weren't you guys supposed to get me piercings after school? Well, I expect her to live up to that promise," I said, shaking Ash lightly. She nodded her head and kept on running, farther and farther in.  We kept on running before we spotted a teenage looking boy standing int the middle of a clearing. I couldn't see clearly, but I saw a white hoodie that was over his head, so I couldn't see his face. 

Book 3 in Jumper series "Tripped Up" a Creepypasta Yaoi boyxboy fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now