The Blood Stained Black

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Picture of Slenderman at the bottom! Thank you!

 Jamie's POV:

I know that when most of you started reading this, you would think I would be a giant dickhead.That was true, when I started. You see, I was told by my master that I needed to fit in with the kids of this generation and report any weird behaviour to him. He never told me why, not like he ever does. But when I learned that he was trying kill the only people I cared for, you can imagine how utterly pissed I was. 

I never really showed my true emotions to anyone, acted like I should, but that changed when I met the girls. It's like they used mind power on me to break away my shell, to tear down my wall and let in the light. I smiled, for real, for the first time. I had a genuine smile that didn't disgust me on my face. It was amazing. It really showed when I met Jack.

He was the same way. He made me feel bubbly and warm, self concious when I didn't used to be. I started to hide myself away, but I knew he was just pulling me out. He just made me happy, made my real emotions come out, even if he was a killer. He was my killer.

I knew I was going insane, but I didn't care. I knew my master would try to kill me, but this time, I would fight back. After every whip, every chain, every time I was cut, burned, hurt, or ripped up and put back together. I would not stand for it anymore. I love them I love them all. To evey last damned detail of their being. Even the late night hairdying. 

I will always fight for them, I thought as Nick knocked on the door to the mansion, even if it kills me.

"Where in satan's name have you been?!" Sebastian demanded, his eyes lighting up a demon pink.

"Who are they?" Lelouch asked us, pointing to BEN, Jeff, and Jack. They all waved lightly, and he smiled and waved back, before he looked at us sternly.

"Hi, I am BEN, this is Jeff, Slendy, and Jack," BEN introduced them politley. Thank the lord for BEN.

"It is nice to meet you, my name is Lelouch, this is Sebastian, and inside is Suzaku and Ciel. Please come inside." Lelouch told them. Sebastian held the door open for them to come in. When we came in, he held us back.

"What did you do this time?" he asked us, very annoyed.

"It's a long story," Ash whispered, looking to the ground, ignoring his powerful gaze. Jack came to me and put his arms around my waist. I leaned back into him, and Ash and Sebastian looked shocked, while Nick just smiled. Sebastian saw that and sighed, looking at me and shaking his head.

"I guess they can stay, on one condition," Sebastian told us.

"What is it?" we all asked.

"You have to clean the house for a week!" he shouted with enthusiasim. We all groaned and our energy depleted by ten degrees.

"Is everything alright?" we heard an unfimilair voice behind us asked. We all had our eyes widened as we turned around. It was Slendy.

"You can talk?!" I shouted, Jack and I turning around in shock.

"Well yes, because I am not in my original body, my power has been compressed until I open it," he explained.

"Ten points to Mr. Slender! Whoop! Whoop!" Nick started cheering before running up to him and hugging him. He hugged her back and spun her around. He seemed happy he could talk too. Ash, Jack and I were all sitting there slack jawed, and everyone else seemed perfectly normal.

"Oooh, you guys should show them your original forms. Everybody! Change back!" Ash shouted. All the creepypastas knew what they were doing, but not our family. They seemed to notice, so the creepypastas went up and started explaining transformation. After about ten minutes they all took a deep breath. They all changed with a small flash of light. It was cool to see them back to their old bodies! 

Book 3 in Jumper series "Tripped Up" a Creepypasta Yaoi boyxboy fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now