I Go Back to Black

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I have a pic of Jeff at the bottom, enjoy!

Ash's POV:

Nick, Ash, Jamie, meet me in the room on the third floor with the o with and x through it.

Sure thing, Slendy, I heard Jamie respond.

Will do Mr. Slender! Nick cheered into my head.

Yeah, of course, I responded to him. 

I ran up the stairs to meet with the others. It was weird that we were separate. Jamie was with EJ working on, 'training,' while Sally, Jeff and BEN played with Nick. It was actually last night that the two of them came out and told everybody about them being together. Mission accomplished. 

I ran up the next filght of stairs, panting and leaning against the door. I had the athletic build of my dad when it came to my regular body. I need to train more. 

I walked in the door to see a heaving Nick, but a smiling Jamie. Must have been from all that 'training.'

"What did you *wheeze* need Slenderman?" I asked, finally regaining my composure. 

We all need to talk. Something has been going on in this world. Something strange. 

"What's wrong Slendy?" Jamie asked.

Zalgo has gone missing. I am not complaining, but he has a tendency to attack on a regular basis. Something has to be up. It started not soon before you arrived. I think it has something to do with your existence.

"What do you mean?" I asked, how does this relate to us?

When he started to go missing, I felt a strange energy. The same energy coming off of the three of you. Slenderman responded, looking around with his non-existent eyes. We all looked at him in shock. It wasn't us, so was it another jumper? Who was it, if that was the case?

"Do you think it was another one of us?" Jamie asked, as if reading my mind.

"Sorry to answer a question, with a question, but if it was one of us, why would they be here of all places?" Nick asked, crossing her hands together. 

"To get power," I responded, the answer coming to me like a hit to the face. They all realized what I said. 

That's what I came to conclude. Someone is planning something. Big. We need to prepare. start gathering people like he is. Slenderman started. 

"He? How do you know it is a he?" I asked him. How much did he know?

Like I said, I felt this jumper's energy, but none of Zalgos. I assume he stole his power and body. Slenderman talked, and it was like a bullet to the chest. 

"Who would do something like this?" Nick asked, her eyes strained as she heard about the new information.

I am not sure, but we need to be prepared for when he attacks, if we are unguarded it could mean everything's destruction. Not just this worlds, but of the reality's we know. with his words, my stomach dropped. We all paled, even more than usual. This news was a load on our shoulders. 

"We already started a group, but how in god's name are we supposed to create an army?" Nick asked, her voice shaking slightly. Jamie, Slenderman, and I all walked up to her, enveloping her in a group hug.

Book 3 in Jumper series "Tripped Up" a Creepypasta Yaoi boyxboy fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now