Using the Cheat Code

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Ash's POV:

I don't hate Nick. I love her really. But I absolutely hate that she brought us here. Why here of all places? I sure as hell couldn't jump at the moment because I need to reboot after the last one. But come one, Creepypasta? Seriously?

This place didn't get a good first imression. First, I get attacked by faceless over here, then, Mr. "I like smiling and staring" fucking jumped us in the woods. Really?

I had no backup in this situation. Jamie loves Nick way too much after the first time we met him. So, there goes my last chance of convincing her of ditching. So, here we are, stuck in a house full of psycho killers out to rape Jamie. Well, only one of them. What was his name again? Eyeless... Jeff? Jerk? Jack? Hell if I knew.

The man Nick calls 'Mr. Slender' was the product of my nightmares for months after Nick tricked me into thinking it was a game where we look for candy. Bastard. But, he seemed to like Nick a little too much. He seemed comfortable enough to pick her up is all I am saying.

So, when Nick said that she wanted Jeff and BEN to be together, I said yes. Why? Well

1. They needed something other to do than kill

2. Yaoi. Must I say more?

3. BEN seemed nice, minus the blood pouring from his eyes

We started by explaining to Jamie what usually happens when we go into worlds. He blushed and was a little confused about it, but agreed to it anyway, knowing that we would do it with, or without his help.

"What do I need to do?" he asked, starting the plan right off the bat. I like this kid.

"Will you distract everybody else and get them to the area they need to be in at, I don't know, 7 ish?" Nick asked him, giving him the best puppy dog eyes she could muster. I honestly don't know why she did that, she could tell him to jump into a volcano without that and he would do it.

"Of course. I will do all in my power," he agreed, looking at the layout of the house.

"So, we all know the plan?" I asked them.

"Yes ma'am!" Nick shouted, and Jamie kinda whispered. We need to get him more comfortable with us.


Jamie's POV:

"What are you wearing? " I asked as Nick and Ash walked down the stairs. They both had their hair teased and black lipstick covered their faces. They had tights on that were striped. Nick's were blue while Ash's were purple. They had dresses on as well, Ash's was school girl looking, a skirt and a botton up shirt that had the sleeves cut off, and was obviously black. Nick's was a black, short dress laced with blue. They both and black eye liner and eye shadow.

"Mr. Slender wanted to dress us while we stayed with him!" Nick exclaimed proudly, while Ash just stood their terrified.

"I don't know if I should be happy or feel violated," she explained, slumping her shoulders down.

"Oh stop being such a sour puss. Oh! Jamie! Jack says that he wants to help you get a new change of clothes. That's nice, right?" she told me, winking. I blushed. What did he mean? Oh my god! What do I do?

"Ok, where is his room?" I asked casually, trying not to freak out. They saw right through me and giggled at each other.

"The third door on the right, down that hallway," Ash pointed to the area where he slept.

"Ok, thanks," I told them, before walking in that direction. They squealed. They need professional help.

I knocked on the door and waited for a response. EJ opened the door, and he lifted his mask up and off his head. He had charcoal skin and black hair that was very emoish. He lightly smiled with those sharp teeth of mine and looked up. He had no eyes. I really shouldn't be surprised. I mean come one, eyeless jack.

He wore some pajamas that hung low on his hip and a tight t-shirt that showed his muscles. Calm down Jamie, just some guy, with a really nice build right in front of you. Calm down. I took a deep breath and looked back at him and smiled.

"You wanted me?" I asked politely.

"You're not scared?" he asked, shifting slightly between his legs.

"Nah, I am actually more scared of Nick and Ash, they are psychopathic nerds," I laughed at the end and he grinned. When he did, my heart leaped out of my chest. No, killer remeber, killer.

"What are you doing?" EJ asked me, breaking me out of my thought. I realized I didn't answer for a while, and I blushed.

"Nothing," I lied.

"Doesn't seem like nothing," he said, moving closer. I was frozen in place, so I couldn't step back.

He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me close, making my breath hitch. He leaned in and whispered, "weren't we supposed to help you pick out clothes for the time you spend here?"

I jumped up and remembered what we were supposed to be doing. He chuckled at me and hugged me again, this time pecking my cheek. I blushed even more.

"Let's make you even more sexy then you already are, shall we?"


Nick's POV:

We waited down stairs for Jamie for a long time, getting very bored.

"Where is he?" I asked, pacing around the room. Was he hurt? Did my baby get hurt?

"Hahaha, he is like you're child now, huh?" Ash asked, smirking.

"Yes, now he better get down here because mama bear is worrying," I pouted, and Ash laughed and sat down next to me.

"Ok, 'mama bear' calm you're tits, he is fine. Anyway, why does Slenderman like you so much?" Ash asked me.

Nick is very special indeed. I believe the three of you are the power of three. You all can create so much power together that you can never create alone. Besides, the little dove was very nice to me.

Let me explain that. Mr. Slender established the mind link to the three of us, and did it to Jamie without him even knowing.

Ash was about to ask him more, when Jamie came downstairs. He had black shadowing his eyes, and his skin had remarkably paled. He wore a black jacket and skinny jeans that were ripped. The jacket was stripped with the color red.

"Slendy told me that you all needed to match, considering you all hunt together," EJ told us as Jamie walked down the stairs. "Oh, Jamie, show them what I did."

Jamie pulled back his hair and turned his head to show that his ears were gaged. Not too big, not too small.

"Ahh! They look so good on you!" Ash and I squealed as we jumped on him. He screamed be for he fell onto the floor, the started laughing.

EJ and Mr. Slender then pulled us apart, Mr. Slender holding Ash and I, while EJ was hugging Jamie. No seriously, he had his face buried in his neck and his arms wrapped around him. Awww.

Come on little doves, time for training. We need you in shape for when we fight or go hunting.

We all nodded, and Jamie looked a little shocked. Oh well, I hope he figures it out soon.

We all arrived at the sight, and I remembered something. I checked the time. 6:45. Oh shit.

"Mr. Slender! Will you come with me and help me with something?" Janie asked, after I motioned to him.

I caught BEN and Jeff around the corner already training. Now or never. I tied a string after Jamie got everybody off sight. I looked at them.

You've met a terrible fait, haven't you?

Book 3 in Jumper series "Tripped Up" a Creepypasta Yaoi boyxboy fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now