Without a 'Glitch'

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Hello, I just wanted to let you guys know that I have a picture of BEN when he comes to the new world. Yeah.

Warning: Adult content, for mature audiences only. Viewer discretion is advised. Thank you.

Jeff's POV:

I really don't know what Slendy was thinking when he let these people stay here. They were obviously crazy and soft. That doesn't usually go too well here. Those are the kind that get themselves killed.

Nick and Ash had talked to us a couple times. Jamie had mostly just talked to EJ. Yuck. They seriously need to get a room. Way too much PDA.

They seemed all in all nice, but not really cool. Until that day.

"Hey Jeff! BEN! Will you guys come and help us?" The girls asked in unison. That freaked me out a bit.

"Yeah, sure! Just let us finish up here!" BEN yelled back. We fought a couple more moves that we had been working on, and once we perfected them, we walked over to them.

They smiled, and it wasn't a normal, be happy just cause smile. It was a, we have something planned and you can't stop it. I kept on walking, questioning the look, until I noticed the trip wire they placed near the area they were in. I stopped just in time, but unlucky for me, BEN can be a space cadet sometimes. He tripped right over the wire. He screamed and as a first response, reached for me as a solid ground. At the moment, I was too unaware of my surroundings to help him not fall. So, down we went into the damn dirt, that decided to roundhouse kick me in the butt. BEN landed on top of me,. trying to keep himself upright, he threw out his hands that slapped me, then landed on my shoulders, sending the upper half of my body into, the god damned dirt. Smooth BEN real smooth. 

But that wasn't the worst part. 

When I opened my eyes I involuntary closed, there he was millimeters from my face, and I liked it. Me, Jeff the Killer, liked having BEN close to my face. He opened his eyes too, and they locked onto mine. His gave was so intimidating, but soft at the same time. I could just easily lean in and lock those soft, luscious looking lips with... Jeff, good god get a hold of yourself! My inner thoughts screamed at me. I lightly pushed him away and he looked almost disappointed, but that quickly disappeared when he looked at the others. Oh shit. Oh shit! They just saw that!

"See, I told you it would work!" Nick yelled at the boy that just walked out the door.

"What did I miss?" Jamie asked, walking out with bite and hand marks all over him. The hand marks were blood, that looked small. EJ and Sally. 

"Just the plan, it totally worked!"Ash yelled, high fiving Nick.

"Really? I thought it would take a miracle to make something like that work! That only happen in things teenage girls write in their diaries!" he said in disbelief.

"Or in fan fiction, either one," Nick commented, making both Ash and Jamie roll their eyes. 

"What do you mean? And stop talking like we are not right here!" BEN shouted at them, making them go quiet. 

"Uhh, we were,uh, trying to make you fall, as, uh, prank! Yeah, a prank!" Jamie hollered smiling proudly. The girls face palmed , shaking their heads. I could see why, he was the worst liar I have ever seen. 

"Yeah, tell us what you really were doing," I told them, my voice was coated in annoyance. their stupidity was angering me.

"Well, might as well tell him. Ok, so in the world we are from, you guys are a fandom called creepypasta. In this fandom, we have shippings. We were hoping to bring you and BEN together," Nick whispered, laughing dryly at the end, rubbing the back of her neck.

Book 3 in Jumper series "Tripped Up" a Creepypasta Yaoi boyxboy fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now