Blue with Love

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New world EJ. Continue.

Jamie's POV:

I don't know how to feel. He is following me, saving me from every little thing I run into. When the others and I talk, I can feel the jealousy radiating off of him Oh god, I attracted the possessive type. And stalker. And psycho. Fuck. Me.

But here is the weird thing. I don't mind it at all. I usually yell at some girl to leave me alone, or ask another person to get someone off my back. But this, this was different some how. I felt safe around him, like a warm hug after a terrible accident. I really felt empty when he had to go hunting, or on a job. Oh god! What's happening to me?!

I went outside to meet up with Nick, who was playing with Sally and Ash. I think my favorite is Sally, even if she tried to kill me yesterday. It was an accident, and she tried to fix me back up. It was nice.

"Hey Nick? May I talk to you for a moment?" I asked her. She shot her head up and smiled when she saw me.

"Yeah, sure, just let me finish this game real quick." She played the end where Sally kills all the villagers and it is all happy in the end. She kissed Sally on the cheek before she got up and came to me. I led her down the hallway.

I pushed her up against a wall and kissed her. She looked shocked, when I pulled away, but when I started crying, her face softened immediately. She hugged me and started shushing me.

"What's wrong honey?" she asked, still holding me close.

"I am really gay, aren't I? I tried to feel even a little of what I felt with Jack, but it didn't work," I started crying again, and she rubbed down my back, calming me down. When I was done and it turned to sniffles, she held me at arms length. 

"You really fell hard for him, huh?" she asked me. My eyes widened, and realized how much I confessed to her. 

"Do not tell anyone, not even Ash," I ordered her. She just smiled lightly and hugged me one more time before leaving.

"I promise," she called. That's when I saw Jack coming out from behind the other wall and face me. Fuck. Me.


Jack's POV: 

I saw the whole thing. Every little bit. I saw him kiss her, then start crying. I heard the confession. I saw him sniffle because of being gay. I saw everything. When he was alone, I decide to reveal myself.

I walked out from behind the wall, and when Jamie heard me, he immediately shot around. His eyes widened in horror. I shifted on my feet slightly, a little shy at the moment.

"So..." I started, staring at my feet.

"How long have you been there?" he asked me, his voice demanding and scared. 

"I saw everything," I whispered to him. I slowly lifted my head to see his reaction, but he was gone! He escaped! 

I ran throughout the house before I heard a soft cry coming from one of the rooms. I put my ear to the door and all I heard was a soft, "My life is over."

I slowly turned the handle and walked in the room. He looked up before jumping up and making a run for the door. He had super human speed, but I still some how managed to stop him.

"Let me go!" he shouted at me. I lightly closed the door behind me, making sure to lock it. The steel lock slammed shut and there was a light beep. He look horrified. 

"What is this place?" he asked looking around. I turned on the light to reveal a bed and a mirror on the wall. That was it. No windows, no nothing. 

"Will you listen to me?" I asked. 

"Nope! Can't hear you! Lalalala!" he shouted, covering his ears. I rolled my eyes and walked up to him, grabbing his hands and pulling him close. He stiffened, but then I wrapped my arms around his waist, burying my face into the crook of his neck. He noticeably relaxed before he wrapped his arms around my neck, having to stretch a bit because of the height difference. 

I let go of the embrace after he seemed comfortable enough to talk. 

"Will you talk to me now?" I asked, fumbling with my hands. He nodded before he sat down on the bed. I sat next to him, and this time he didn't tense up or flinch. He seemed comfortable. I grabbed his hands and had him look at me.

"Was that true, what Nick said in the hallway?" I asked him. I bit my lip nervously, easly drawing blood. He nodded before he opened his mouth.

"I am so sorry, I didn't means to! I know how awkward you must feel, and how you really don't like me, so we can just forget this ever happened," he whispered. I could hear the sadness in his voice. I shook my head at him and talked.

"Not even close. From the first moment you were in this house, I saw how beautiful you were, then when we talked, I fell in love with you the moment the first word came out your mouth. I would never, ever feel anything even close to how you just talked," I spoke, raising my voice. He looked at me in disbelef, and a smile grew on his face as he launched himself at me. 

"Will you say it for me?" I asked, still hugging him. He lightly pulled away before looking me in the eye and whispering,

"I love you,"

"I love you too."

Book 3 in Jumper series "Tripped Up" a Creepypasta Yaoi boyxboy fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now