Part 3

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We are 2 weeks away from me having to go back to Bieho which made me extremely sad. Me and Zen were getting a long pretty well we hanged out almost everyday when he did not have to do his duties. We got to know each other so well in only a short amount of time and it made me really happy. I found myself actually falling for him which surprised me since I was extremely against the idea of marrying him at the beginning. Each day with him was a new adventure. We snucked out a lot together as well as spared once in a while which got us in to really big trouble, him for fighting with a princess and me well in short for not acting like one. Once in a while I would get message from my father scolding me because he had heard of my behavior and threaten that he will punish me once I am back to Bieho for not acting like a princesses. 

It was the afternoon and I was making my way out to the  rose garden because Zen had asked me to meet him there around that time. I was confused because it was rare for him to meet me up at the garden and not out in the training area or the forest. "He must feel bad for all the scolding I have gotten from my father and maybe decided to town it down a bit," I thought to myself. Before making it all the way to the fountain where he initially said he wanted to meet up I caught him by the area right before arriving to the center spot. 

"Hi Zen whats all this mystery on inviting me to the rose garden, dont tell me my charm finally got to you and your now in love with me are you?" I asked him playfully, and he just stared at me with a dumbfounded look as if I had discovered a huge secret of his. "Well look just follow me okay and close your eyes I will guide you to where I want to take you," and with that I shut my eyes closed as he gently grabbed my hand and guided me through the rose garden. 

I imagined he was taking me somewhere else since it was a pretty good distance from where we were. "Okay you can open your eyes now and oh please if you dont like it jut kill me it would hurt less." he said jokingly as I opened my eyes slowly. 

I was mesmerized by the beautiful scenery. I was not sure where we were but I could imagine it was a secret hide out for him since no one seemed to be around. It had different kinds of beautiful flowers with a picnic blanket in the middle with different kinds of desserts, and right in the center of it was a box with a bow on it. "Come on open it," he said while taking a seat on the blanket. With out hesitation I took off the bow and opened up the box. At the very top was a note with a necklace attached to it. 

" I know we have not known each other for long but these past few weeks have been amazing. I have never met anyone with hair white as snow and a heart made of gold. You accept me for who I am and you never stop being who you are. You inspire me to do better and everyday I wake up with a smile ready to conquer the world. At first I know we were both against the marriage but I fell for those E/C eyes and that amazing smile that can brighten up a room. I cant ask you right now but soon I will be able to with the write words. Please accept this bow and necklace as a promise that the next time we see each other I will ask you with the proper words and you will become the princess of Clarines." Towards the end of the letter I was already crying of happiness. I couldn't believe that all this time that I have been crushing on zen he actually returned my feelings. As I looked at him with a smile from ear to ear he picked up the bow and handed it to me. He remembered how much I loved archery and got me a custom bow something engraved on it, "to the future princesses of Clarines the one with the hair white as snow." (I am literally cringing at myself for writing this)

"Y/N can I put the necklace on you?" zen asked. All I did was turn around and put my hair to the side to make it easier for him. Once he was done I turned back around to give him a hug but before I extended my arms around him he grabbed my wrist with one hand and my waist with the other. Slowly he closed his eyes and leaned closer to me planting a sweet kiss on my lips.

Finally separating after a few seconds we both had a huge blush right across our cheeks. Of course we were still young so these kind of things made us blush so easily. Right after we decided to eat the sweets he had brought for us and chatted about what fun things we should do. We joked about who would visit who once I went back to my kingdom. Since we both wanted to actually travel we couldn't decide on who would visit who. His point was that he couldn't let a lady travel a long way just for him it was his duty as the guy to go to me so I wouldn't get hurt. 

"Alright then lets make a bet." I told him with a smirk on my face, " Who ever can hit the bulls eye three times is the one who gets to visit the other person." "Seems fair," He said hesitantly. I was clearly confident that I would make all three since I have been training archery a lot more then he has. I decided to let him go first just in case he actually made a bulls eye I would like to see him get excited before I beat him, and just like I predicted I won the bet. 

" Wow Zen you couldn't even make one?" I asked laughing. "Guess I will have to be the one visiting you then." I was cut off from my laughter by another gentel kiss from him. 

Nervelessly after he separated from the kiss he said " Sorry after the first one I just couldn't help myself from wanting another one." With a big blush visible. "Its okay I give you permission to kiss me any time you want." I said turning around. "Oh and Zen thank you.. for everything, especially for making me feel so welcomed and loved now lets go back I am sure Mitsuhide is franticly looking for us." and with that we both laughed walking back. 

Once we made back to the main area sure enough we could hear Mitsuhide yelling our names to come out. He had finally spotted us and asked where we were. All we could do was look away from him and blush uncontrollably. "Oh so you finally gave the princesses her gift I see," Spoke Mitsuhide pointing at my bow and arrow. " Yes he did and I love it so much." I said with a huge smile on my face then he continued after me looking at Zen, "Its time for you to go to bed we have a busy day tomorrow, make sure you walk princess Y/N to her room before going to sleep yourself." 

With that we both walked hand in hand to my room and when we arrived we said our good nights and before leaving Zen hugged me goodbye and before leaving kissed my forehead. "Zen wait," I yelled out as he was walking away. I planted a small kiss on his lips and then ran into my room closing the door and sitting down with by back against it, and Zen touched his lips while he walked towards his room with a big smile on his face.

Hair white as snow (obi x reader x zen)Where stories live. Discover now