Part Six

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It has been a few years that have passed by and I am now 18. That only meant that in one more year I will be free from this stupid castle. In the years that have passed my feelings for Obi slowly grew to a more romantic way, only he did not know about them. I mean how could I not? He was the only person that I interacted with as a friend since I am stuck in this tower.   I could never forget Zen and how he made me feel when I was with him. I mean he technically was my first love after all. 

Ever since I realized that I had grown a crush towards Obi I always kept quite about them. First of all because I felt as if I was betraying my love for Zen as well as I knew that it could never happen between me and Obi because of our difference in class. Heck I did not even know if he returned those feelings for me as well. The time I have been locked away in the castle Obi was the only person that helped me from going insane. We would stay up for ours talking and getting to know each other and the occasional sparing. I could even say I have become stronger and a better fighter. 

Unfortunately it all came to an end one night. I was getting ready to go to bed when Obi jumped in to my room from the window looking a little bothered and before I could ask him what was wrong he spoke, "Princess I am sorry, but I have to head out I was called to do a job by your father so I obviously cant deny him so I will be gone for about a week. I hate to leave you because I know it can get boring for you but I really have to do this." I looked at him with a poker face trying to not looked bothered since I did not want to make this harder on him and said, " It is okay Obi one week is not long at all you just have to promise me that it wont be longer then a week because if it is I will just have to jump out this window to go look for you." I finished with a giggle. "I promise princess for you I will do anything." He smiled and bowed to me which made me blush. 

For the rest of the night we just laid down talking about random things when I decided to build up the courage to tell him how I felt. So I  sat up and turned around looking at Obi with a serious face I noticed he had his eyes closed so I tried to speak up but was interrupted by him. "Hey princess, I just wanted to let you know that I love you." He said as he opened his eyes and stared right into mine. I was speechless, I did not know what to do or say I just sat there staring at him with a bright red face trying to control my breathing. Then he continued, " it's okay if you dont feel the same way I just thought I should let you know since its been on my mind for quite a while some time. Still staring at him I tried to make my mouth come up with some words but I was a stuttering mess, " I-I-I-I I like it when you call me a princess, but not the formal way because I love you too." I finally manage to get out. 

After that confession we both just sat in my bed staring at each other not knowing what to say, Until he finally spoke up. "You know I was scared and never imagined you returned my feelings especially after hearing those stories you have told me about the prince. Do you no longer have feelings for him (Y/N)?" " I honestly dont know how to explain it to you, to be perfectly honest Zen has and will always be my first love but being with you has made me fall in love with you. The way you are and just the way you make me feel. You make me happy and I always get excited when you come to see me and it makes me extremely sad when I know that I wont get to see you even if it is only for one day let alone this whole week that you will be gone." I looked in to his eyes while I was saying that I no longer felt the shyness I did when he first confessed to me. Now I just felt the sudden urge to give him a kiss, which with out thinking I closed my eyes and leaned closer to him until our lips finally kissed. Obi was caught by surprise not expecting this especially so soon after he said he loved you, but he went with it because he wanted to kiss you for so long already. It did not last that long it was a short a sweet kiss but never the less it was amazing. 

It was now really late and Obi had to leave since he was going on his journey early in the morning the next day. I did not want to say good bye but I was sure this week would go by fast. "See you in a week princess." He said as he waved good by and disappeared in to the night. 

****TIME SKIP****

It has now been a month and there is no Obi to be seen. For the first week since he was supposed to be back I was extremely worried since he had promised me and I had thought something awful had happen to him, but finally my father had come to visit me to break the news that he will no longer be the one watching over me. Turns out he had decided to stay where ever my dad had sent him which broke my heart. I could not believe that he broke the promise he had made to me especially after confessing his feelings for me. For the rest of the time that I was locked away I was broken with no motivation to do anything. Time had gone slowly to slowly which made me feel even more alone leaving me with a void in my heart and a grudge towards Obi. Then finally the time for mo to leave this stupid place came and my father had gifted me a letter from prince Zen formally asking me to a marriage interview. Which made more sense since he already had to marry me due to our parents arranging the marriage. Of course then I remembered everyone thought I was kidnapped so he must be having to have marriage interviews. (A/N.... does that even make sense? I have no other way to put it sorry)

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