Part four

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It was my last day in Clarines and I spent it hanging out with Zen outside in the castle. In only a few hours I will be heading back home and I was not looking forward to it. Mostly because I did not want to leave Zen knowing I wont get to see him until later on it could be weeks or months depending on my father. It was also because I knew there was a punishment waiting for me back at Bieho for all those times I was not acting lady like in front of people. Zen and I were walking hand in hand through the forest in comfortable silence until he had spoken up. "Is everything alright Y/N you seem a little off today." 

"Yes everything is fine I, well I am just a little sad that I have to go and well I am not really looking forward to my punishment. Not seeing you is bad enough," I replied, Turning me around to face him he said, " Dont worry I am sure your father just said it to get you to stop and besides we made a bet that you will be coming to visit me soon remember?" Then he kissed me on the cheek and started walking back to the castle. It was getting late and closer to the time of me having to leave. 

*Time Skip*

It was finally the time for my departure and I couldn't help but cling on to Zen. He made me happy and I knew I was going to go back to being kept inside the castle walls. Once we said our good byes I got on the carriage and waved until I could not see the figure of Zen or Mitsuhide anymore. I knew the journey would be long so I decided to take a quick nap so I can be well rested for when I arrived. 

I was suddenly awoken by a loud noise that sounded like two swords clashing with each other. When I seemed to be fully awake I grabbed my sword and stepped out of the carriage quietly, but I was to slow. In that moment I was caught by someone from behind me who took my sword away and covered my eyes. I tried to kick and yell so who ever captured me could let go, but it was no use he had me and there was nothing I could do about it. I still tried to put up a fight as much as I could but I guess who ever captured me got tired of it that they hit me just enough to knock me out.  When I woke up I seemed to be tied from my arms but I didnt seem to be in a cellar but a room. The room seemed like one who belonged to a royal, but why would they put me here if they kidnapped me? You would think they would lock me away or something.

I was interrupted from my thoughts when I heard the door opening. The person that came in was a tall older man, not to old but way older then me that's for sure. I put my guard up because he was my kidnapper I did not know what he would do to me. Then I saw it right behind him was my, my father. I couldn't believe my eyes, I was thrilled that I was not in any harm but I was also extremely confused as to why he was here. 

Before my father could say anything the man who had entered first untied me, and I just sat there waiting to hear about what happened. Then my father cleared his throat before he started to speak, " Y/N remember when I told you that I was going to punish you well I decided that I will lock you up until you are the rightful age to marry prince Zen then you wont be getting in to any trouble." "Then why did you have to hire someone to kidnap me isn't that a little to overboard?" I yelled, i was so confused as to what was going on. I could not believe what he was saying, he would lock up his own daughter just because I wasn't a proper princesses? "I had to take measures, I could not have the kingdom or any other neighboring kingdom in that matter to know that you were being locked away because you couldn't behave yourself do you know how bad of an image I would get; how could I run a kingdom if I could not even control my own daughter. That is why I decided to make it look like you were kidnapped, but dont worry you get to keep your sword so you can train and at least get strong while you are up here." He continued and with each word making me angrier and angrier, "you will have maids that will bring you your food and a change of clothes. No one else knows you are here besides me or your mother so please behave, and another thing I made sure to give back that bow to Prince Zen." With that he left me locked up in this room. "Oh Zen I hope you dont worry to much about me, please know that I am okay and dont forget about me." I thought to myself as the tears started rolling down my cheeks. 


I was going about my regular day doing paperwork when all of a sudden Mitsuhide barges in. "Whats wrong?" I asked him, "You are looking a little flustered." trying to catch his breath he replied, "There is a messenger from Bieho, it is about princess Y/N." With out another word I got up and followed him to where the messenger was. Once I went  through the doors my heart immediately stopped in his hands was the bow that I had gifted Y/N. I wanted to immediately know if something had happened to her or if she decided that she did not love me. "Speak now what is it what happened with Y/N?" I asked frantically. Then the messenger finally started speaking, "Its Lady Y/N she has been kidnapped and we dont know where she could be, she was taken when she was on her way back to Beiho, all we could find of hers was this and the king thought it would be a good idea for you to keep."

Hearing those words made me angry I dismissed the messenger and took the bow from him. I had to find her even it it was the last thing I do. 

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