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I folded the sheet from the clothesline that was hung outside before stuffing it into the basket and carrying that inside. On my way, I could hear a buggy pulling up the dirt path. The horseshoes skipping along creating a tapping sound. 

I even stopped to watch, but when I turned around I was almost knocked down along with the basket I held as the eldest Williamson boy came running from the home and kept going like nothing had happened.

All I could do was stand there until a voice invaded my thoughts. "Be careful there, Polly." The second eldest boy child of the Williamson family said as he got the fabrics and basket from the ground.

"Yes'a sir." I forced out.

After that, he walked away and there I stood excited that he even knew my name.

"You senseless nigger those aren't clean fabrics." Anna, if I remembered correctly shouted: "I have a gathering to attend, and nothing clean to wear thanks to you!" She dug through the basket and tossed what she could out of anger before stomping my toe as she pushed me out of her way.

Massa Williamson and Miss Elaine weren't too far away. I'm sure they saw the whole thing but neither said anything nor showed much of any concern. They were in between a conversation as they joined the others inside of the buggy headed to town.

I collected the fabrics she threw once they rode away just as a comforting hand came over mine which caused me to stare up at Sty who returned the fabrics. Sunshine was in his hair and brought out his green eyes. We stood as he smiled and I tried returning the gesture, yet I was in too much inner pain to do so.

"Let's get these clean before they return." He said and that we did. Not a lot was communicated between us since I didn't have much to speak about. We cleaned, dried, and hung each of the fabrics on the clothesline.

I felt him staring but I didn't mind because I was stealing glances at him as well.

It's like we both knew, yet neither could describe it at that moment. "Now about your feet." he said when we were all done with the laundry.

Naturally, I wasn't about to let him think I was hurting that wasn't how we slave girl's behaved-weak and docile.

We had to be strong all the time even when we weren't at all.

He grabbed my hand and led little ole hesitant me down to this river that was quite a walk from the big house and slave quarters yet still it was just another part of the land that was owned.

"What is you doing?" I questioned as he popped off his boots before dipping inside of the water.

"Joining me, Polly?" an air of innocence surrounded him. I said nothing. Did nothing. Could he not see we were some slaves, therefore, we should be busying ourselves with work instead of this.

"You gon get ya'self in trouble there." I pointed as he made his way from the water walking towards me. My finger still pointing as he placed his chest there.

"Yeah, by who?"

"Massa Williamson and Miss E-" I was in the middle of saying as he cut me off.

"That's my pa."

"But you still a slave."

"I'm just as much a free man as I am a slave." He answered. "And as a free man, I'm asking you to join me."

I tried pulling away if someone saw us here we'd be punished-me a bit more than him.

"Please, no." I practically begged.

"What's the matter? don't tell me that you're afraid."

The water was so relaxing, I almost melted being surrounded in the coolness so I went deeper almost reaching the bottom wanting to disappear along with all my problems.

Sty held my hand tight as he pulled me to the surface.

"You have to keep your eyes open while down there or else there ain't much a point of diving," he told me.

Again! I was at a lost for words. "Would that just burn my eyes?"

"Not once you get used to it." He replied, "let's try again and remember Polly keep your eyes open."

Pursing my lips as I allowed myself to sink into the water but this time my eyes were wide open and I saw everything-him especially.

He let go of my hand as we drifted apart then swam up again to the surface. Water splashed around from our hair as mine started to poof out into a thick afro.

I wiped my eyes trying to get my vision back. "Did you know alligators used to dwell here."


"Yes, and legend has it that some of them never left." Sty replied which got me frightened "if we get quiet enough I'm sure we could still hear th-" he playfully charged at me as I swam away only to be splashed by him.

I got him back though with a few splashes of my own. Surprising myself when laughter of all things escaped my mouth. It was the first time since I got here that it happened and was genuine.

"Pp-Polly Anne, Girl what is the matter with you?" Ma came walking up. "You out here googly and giggling while the rest of us is bustin' our behinds ion know what life was for you at the Thomas plantation, but over here we gots to work."


"Now come on for you get us in trouble."

She pulled me along as I snatched my dress from the ground and glanced back at Sty who waved.

"See ya around, Polly."

"What was that about?"

"He's a nice boy, ma."

She stopped me right where I stood. "Look at me, don't ya even think bout it Polly Anne that boy ain't nothing but trouble, ya hear?! Can't get ya nothing but a belly out to here and mo' problems."

"But M-"

"Shush! Ion wanna hear about it no more now c'mon." She dragged me along, and I looked back a second time hoping he heard none of that, but even if he did by any chance then I hoped like hell he'd understand those weren't my feelings.


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A/N: None of these chapters have been proofread so sorry in advance for any typos or other story errors!

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