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liked by BlossomPkarmasabitch_ i'm back

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liked by BlossomP
karmasabitch_ i'm back.
view all 40 comments
archie123 omg hi!
ronnielodgex you're having a laugh!
jugjonesx are you FUCKING KIDDING ME
betty.cooper yeah and i'd know
archie123 hold on is that the black hood
archie123 i forgot what he looked like
ronnielodgex You forgot what the black hood looked like. Even though his name is literally what he wears. smh 🤦🏼‍♀️
karmasabitch_ oh arch. i've got bigger fish to fry. 🎣
archie123 fish?
ronnielodgex it's an expression archie
karmasabitch_ hey there @nevereverevernever how you doing hm? yeah you're gonna give my three girls back or you'll regret it ;)
nevereverevernever it's their choice about whether or not to leave the farm! 🧐
alcooper6 Hal? You're back?
karmasabitch_ that's right baby 😋
alcooper6 don't call me baby. how the hell did you escape? how the hell are you- alive...
karmasabitch_ so many questions. so many questions.
betty.cooper hold on a second? so DAD you were the one who posted pictures of Jughead kissing all the girls? Why would you do that?
karmasabitch_ why would i do that? WHY WOULD I DO THAT? Maybe because i saw my opportunity. You wouldn't help me out of jail, Betty, so i wanted to hurt you. You and Jughead are so close. Also Alice? You fucking cheated on me with F.P. Jones. Who is FP's son? oh. that would be jughead. it all made so much sense. 🙂
jugjonesx i'm not my father. why would you hurt me?
FPJno2 why would you hurt my son?
karmasabitch_ he just said that.
karmasabitch_ to get back at my family and to get back at YOU FP.
cblossom_xx oh shite
ttopaz_xx i told you to stay the FUCK away from betty
karmasabitch_ oh it's the little gemstone. How did you figure it out so quickly tiny one?
ttopaz_xx i may be small but i actually have a brain. unlike some.
karmasabitch_ do you want to live or not?
cblossom_xx don't you fucking dare-
karmasabitch_ mmmmm. be cautious ⚠️
ffogarty shitting hell
swtpeayes did that really just happen
swtpeayes ethel was right for once
ffogarty *slaps arm* be serious bitch 😐
swtpeayes shite
kevin_keller.x BAD HAL IS BACK
karmasabitch_ back to cause mayhem.

tag yourself in the comments! i'm fangs-
(if you don't know what that means - basically say which person out of all the people who 'commented' on this post by Hal represents you the most when you found out it was him)

ahhhhh! LITERALLY LIKE ONE Person guessed it was hal 😂 anyways so hope you liked the chapter and you understand why i chose him as the anonymous person :) so yeet i'm obviously still taking suggestions and thanks to sourdoartist for the awesome tea they produced with this idea :D

love you all and we're so close to 100k! it's a dream come true thank you! :D


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