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liked by jugjonesx and 5,295 others betty

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liked by jugjonesx and 5,295 others
betty.cooper thanks for the birthday wish, Archie, but i'd prefer it if i didn't have to scroll through 30 odd posts just saying happy birthday 😂if u wanna say it then go ahead on here 🔽🔽🔽🔽 🤣1️⃣7️⃣🤣
view all 21 comments
ronnielodgex no takers? alright guess it's me first.
betty.cooper ronnie i posted this literally three seconds ag- hold on- do you have my post notifications turned on?
ronnielodgex 😉😉
ronnielodgex AnYwAyS HAPPY BIRTHDAY B! i've known you for about two and a half years now! it doesn't feel that long since i walked through the Pop's diner doors :) anyways i love you and i hope u have aN AMAZING DAy and i'll see u later 😉❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
cblossom_xx Happy birthday Cousin! 💘
ttopaz_xx happy birthday bets! 😘
ffogarty Happy birthday u fugly bitch
swtpeayes never to fear,, i just slapped him ^
swtpeayes happy birthday 🐍
ethelxmuggs FUCK OFF but happy birthday
cblossom_xx since when did ethel swear? 🤣
karmasabitch_ Happy birthday my darling daughter 😉😄
betty.cooper tttthanks 😰
BlossomP Betty! Dearest niece. If you could privately message me? ❤️
betty.cooper sure, auntie 😟
alcooper6 happy birthday little Elizabeth 😍
jugjonesx to betty. I've know you nearly all my life. I'd never imagine we would end up where we are now. You are the prettiest, most intelligent, cutest Nancy Drew out there and i love you so much 🤗🖤 happy birthday my darling xxxxxxx
cblossom_xx SOPPY 🤢🤢
jugjonesx you can't say much 🤣🤣
betty.cooper thanks juggie 🤗🤗🤗❤️❤️

*private messages*

Hi there Elizabeth. I was wondering if you'd like to join Cheryl, Antoinette and some of the other girls here at Thistlehouse for a games evening? Tomorrrow at 10pm.

of course, mrs blossom. Who will be attending?

Your good friends Veronica, Archibald and Forsythe.

which Forsythe?

the tiny one. the one with the hat.

Oh so Jughead 😂

Him. 😄

i'll be there.

oh, betty? Don't say anything to anyone. Under ANY circumstances. understood?

message received loud and clear.

Also, i had a very expensive dress laundered for you especially for the occasion. You will find it on your mirror. Please be sure to wear it. Thank you and have a brilliant sleep 🙃

you too Mrs Blossom 👌🏼

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