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hi everyone!

first of all i'm sorry if you got a notification saying i published a new chapter and you got excited only to see this :D

secondly i just wanna say how much i appreciate everyone who reads my story, i know it's not very mature and it's not a proper written story with a set storyline and paragraphs but it's my way of expressing my story so i like it :)
thank you to all 323k reads!! especially those who have been with me since like 10 views, you guys are amazing :)

and finally i felt a little disconnected with all of you, you guys make my day with some of your comments and i just love seeing people enjoying what i write so although i'm not really confident enough to do a fAcE rEvEaL i'll tell you my name so i feel a bit more connected and not just southside_serpentsx :3

i hope you all enjoy the next few chapters, i've got a lot on my plate at the moment but i'm trying to think of new ideas and find new pictures as a stimulus :)

thank you again!
lots of love from ella :) x

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