Chapter 7: Fallen Brother

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"Reichsmarschall", I hear Maven tell me. "Yes", I ask. "We have reports of mass burnings and riots in Orlando", he said. "Is anybody claiming responsibility", I ask him. "The Ku Klux Klan", he tells me. "Freedom fighters", I chuckle, "What is the extent of the damage". "Damage to multiple buildings belonging to sub-humans before the war", Maven says to me. "Have any Aryans been hurt during the conflicts", I asked him. "No reports of so, Sir", he replies. "Let them continue. If any Reich building or Aryans are harmed, I want them arrested and executed", I order to him. "Yes, Sir", he says. 

"Is that all you have come to inform me about", I asked Maven confused. He shakes his head, "Obergruppenfuhrer Wyndham would like to hold a meeting with you about the American Reich Education Policy and curriculum", he says. "Well then, let's go", I tell him.

As we drive through the streets of downtown Chicago, I see people walking down the sidewalks. People who have seemed to get over everything that has happened and have seemed to settle and adapt to the new environment. People who have learned to cope with their new life. I see a man walk his dog laughing as his dog acts silly.

We turn down into a dark alleyway. It was kind of suspicious. I see men working loading units of equipment into trucks. *BANG*! The sound of an explosion and screaming ensues. I see these men pull out machine guns and start shooting at my vehicle. I see the driver's head fall against the steering wheel. I look over and Maven gives me a blank stare. It feels like everything is moving in slow motion. All of a sudden reality hits me and I see Maven fall forwards as his head hits the back of the driver's seat.

I feel for my gun but can not find it. I see the almost lifeless Maven struggle to pull out his gun from its holster. I quickly grab it and point it at one of the men, shooting them in the head. I turn and see other men shooting at me. In the distance, I hear the blare of sirens rolling slowly towards me. I take cover behind bags of gravel. I peek over from the cover to try and shoot some of the men but am unable to due to being overwhelmed by stress.

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see flashes of police lights. I let out a sigh of relief as I hear the gunshots stop. I can hear yelling. "Police! Get on the ground NOW", I hear. I continue to hear yelling as I get up. I look over and see a man trying to run away. I point the gun at him and pull the trigger. The bullet hits his leg and he falls to the ground. I see a Gestapo man run over to him and grab him by the arms and walk him over to me. "Orders, Reichsmarschall", he asks me. "Execute them", I tell him, "But crack their nuts first". The idea of torture has become a thought that does not bug me anymore. The Gestapo officer gave me a surprised look. 

Another man walks up to me. "How are you feeling Reichsmarschall", he asks. "How's Maven", I ask concerned. "He's dead, sir", the officer tells me. I look around confused. Maven was like a brother to me. I couldn't believe he was dead. "I want these men's balls cracked and flogged as well as I want them heavily interrogated", I ordered him. "I want a hero's ceremony to take place tomorrow. All important personel and Reich citizens are allowed to attend as well as Japanese citizens. Foreigners must be searched before they enter the ceremony", I tell the officer. "Yes, Reichsmarschall", he replies.

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