Chapter 1: Past Memories

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I hear the ring of my alarm clock. "Time to get up, honey", Helen whispers into my ear. I get up and walk over to the closet. I look at my uniform. My eye focuses on the shoulder pads. "How did I manage this", I think to myself.

I walk out into the dining room, meeting my wife and kids. They are all smiling. "Good Job", my wife tells me. "I see we have all grown accustomed to the new world and our new roles", I say. "Yes, Father", I hear my son Chris say.

"Are we all ready for the day", Helen says. "Yes", I reply with a chuckle. "I'm finished", Chris says. "Go wash your plate off and get your stuff ready for school. The bus will be here soon", I tell him. "Yes, Father".

I finish breakfast and go to my home office to make sure I have everything ready for work. "I got to go honey", I tell Helen. "Have a good day", she replies. I walk outside and I see my driver waiting for me with the back car seat open.

When we arrive, Maven is waiting for me at the door. "Good Morning, Sir", he says. "What is the update", I ask. He gives me a folder. "We have some uprising in some areas of the North American Reich", he tells me. I look over to him with confusion, "Where? I need more details". "Mainly in New Orleans near the ghetto, sir", he says. "Anything else", I ask. "The Fuhrer is waiting for you in your office", he says.

I walk into my office and I can see the Fuhrer standing there in the middle of my office. "Good Morning, Reichsmarschall", he tells me. "Mein Fuhrer. What is the reason for your visit", I ask. "I wanted to invite you to the grand viewing of the Reich's new machinery that will be key to running the Reich across the world as it is", He says. "When and Where", I ask. "Twelve o'clock noon tomorrow at the pier", he says, "This is confidential so nobody, not even Japan, can know about it". I Sieg Heil him and he leaves the room. One of the men that were with him gave me a brochure.

"Maven! Make sure nobody knows about this, I want all Japanese officials that are currently staying in the Reich, to be sent back to Japan", I say. "Yes, Sir", he replies. I look through the brochure and it shows the outline of what looks to be a robot. What could this be? I also see the names of officials who are going to be there in order:

- Obergruppenfuhrere Micheal Feehan

- Major Yule Kapericschi

- Obersturmbahnfuhrer Adolf Eichmann

- Haupsturmfuhrer Josef Mengele

- General Dyre

- Reichsmarschall Joseph Ryan of North America

- Oberstgruppenfuhrer Maven

- Reichsminister Joseph Goebbels, Propaganda Ministry

- Reichsminister Albert Spier, Engineering Ministry

I looked at that list and saw many familiar names. I chuckled seeing Maven's name. In some ways, I thought of Maven as a son or a brother. I set the brochure as Maven walks into the room. "Sir, we have updates on the uprisings. People are starting to assault innocent Aryans", he says, "What do we do sir". "What do you think we should do", I say looking up at him. "I think we should gas them out, sir", he says. "Then do that", I reply. "Yes, Sir", he replies.

I sit in my office staring out the window. I think of a time before the war. I remember my family, my mother and father. My sister who died in '41 when she was in Hawaii on the day of Pearl Harbor, the Japanese somehow were able to run a full land invasion of the islands. I remember her funeral. We didn't have a body to bury. I remember when the bomb was dropped on Boston. I was surprised because I had knowledge of the Manhattan Project. The Nazis beat us to the bomb somehow. We did have former German scientists help with the construction of our bomb. Maybe they gave information to the Reich that helped speed their development of the bomb. All I know is that I have to keep my head out of the past and focus on protecting my family by staying loyal to the Reich.

I check the time and see that it is time to go home. I get home and see that my wife is waiting for me. "Can you help make sure my uniform is the best it can be for tomorrow", I ask her. "Why, what is tomorrow", she asks. "Nothing that I can speak openly of", I tell her. "Sure", she says.

I sit down for dinner. "So how was everyone's day", I ask. "Great, Father", my wife and kids say. "Great, let's have the same tomorrow", I say.

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