Chapter 6: Criminal Factory

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The next day, I am sitting in my office thinking about the camp. Thinking about the many murdered millions. I know it was a necessary job, but. I can't think about it too much or it will really get to me. I can hear the work of construction outside my window. I look out and they seem to be building a giant tower. I could tell by the scaffolding.

I hear the door open and see Maven walk in. "Sir, we have reports of the resistance operating in a factory in East Bent Road", he says. "Why are we to be so worried about them", I ask. "We suspect that they might be smuggling weapons across North America", he responds giving me pictures of the building. "Do they have any relation to John Booker", I questioned. "We have reason to believe so", he responds.

I get in my car and we start driving down to Bent. I can see a couple of military trucks following behind us. We arrive in front of the building and I can see Gestapo and SS men running out of the trucks and into the factory. I can hear the men yelling at the people inside the factory. I see people getting escorted out into lines. There are constant gunshots as people are getting shot. 

"Who owns the factory", I ask. "Mr. Mark Chinnadella, Sir", I hear a Gestapo man say as I see Mr. Chinnadella getting escorted towards me. "Mr. Chinnadella", I tell him. "What do you want", he askes demanding. "I know you work for John Booker. You are aiding a criminal terrorist", I say. "So what if I am", he tells me in a cocky voice. "Because you aided him and I know the use of this factory, you are un-useful. So you will be executed", I tell him. I hear him gulp. He is dragged a few feet away from me and I can see a Gestapo officer aim his rifle and shoot the man. I can also see each man in the line getting shot in the back of the head one by one.

"Reichsmarschall Ryan", I can hear somebody say. I turn and see a man looking at me. "My name is Harvey Matthew and I am a senior officer in the American Gestapo", he said. "Well, it is nice to meet you", I said. "My men and I will work to help you to capture Booker", he said. I nodded, "Well you need to notify me whenever you get lead on him or the resistance". "Yes, Sir", he says. I look over to Maven. "I want this factory cleared out and inspected", I ordered. Maven hands me a folder. "What is this", I ask him. "The files of the men of this factory", he said. "Oh, thank you", I said.

I arrive back at my office and was greeted by the ring of my telephone. "Reichsmarschall", I hear a man's deep voice say. "Who is this", I ask. "This is Doctor Josef Stahllein. I wanted to talk to you about our moon mission. Do you mind if I take a visit to your office", he said. "Yes, that's fine", I tell him. He hangs up the phone.

After a half hour of filling out paperwork on the men from the factory, I hear my door open and see Maven walk in followed by Stahllein. I stand up and walk over to Stahllein. "Doctor", I say. "I have brought some guests from the Fatherland", he says. I see high ranking Nazi officials walk in. "Gentlemen, please sit down", I tell them pointing to my meeting table. We all sit down at the table. 

"So what is this moon mission you were telling me about over the phone", I ask. I see him pull out some diagrams and hand them to me. "We have been working on plans for a lunar base", he says. "And how will this be built", I asked him. "We have been working on the best materials to use when building the base", he says. "Won't it be too costly to pay construction workers and architects to go to the moon and build this", I asked him. "We have a solution to that", I hear a man sitting across the table from me say. "What", I ask. "We use slaves and Jews", he says. "Unpaid workers", I say. "Precisely", Stahllein tells me. 

"How long will this take", I ask. "These laborers have been bred to work through the harshest of conditions for days on end until they die. So we suspect it will take 1-2 months", he says. "You are planning on building a lunar base in the time span of 1-2 months", I asked them. "Yes, Sir. The Reich has the technology that allows us to build megastructures ever so faster than before", a man says, "With our technology, we could build the statue of liberty in a week". My eyes open at amazement. "When we are finished we would like you to take a trip up to the base to have a look for yourself", Stahllein says. "I will free my schedule", I tell him.

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