Chapter 2: Stress Gets the Better of Everyone

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I get up and see that my uniform is waiting for me at the table in my bedroom. "Thank you Helen", I yell. "Your welcome", she replies. I put it on and start heading out the door towards the car where my driver is waiting for me. "Do you know where we are heading today", I ask the driver. "Yes", he said.

When we get to the Pier I am greeted by to lines of men facing inward like during a ceremony. One of them opens the door and they all raise their arms. I walk down and am greeted by Mengele, "Reichsmarschall, over here". He takes me to an area full of other high ranking Nazi officials.

Then I see the Fuhrer walk in. We all raise our arms to him. It has become an instinct for me. The Fuhrer walked up to the podium. "Good Day! Today we will be celebrating the achievements of the Reich. Since 1935, the Reich has been working to develop tools to be used to keep the Reich in order and to protect the citizens of the Reich. Today, our head of the Reich Engineering Ministry, Albert Speer, will be presenting to you our new protectors and helpers of the Reich.

Speer walks over to the first curtain, "The First thing I would like to show to you is what I call, Kampfhund. Our armored canine units. They have been bred to sense the enemy better and be able to better execute search missions, as well as be able to do stuff that is too dangerous or not able to do for our regular soldiers". I take a look at the dog. I look over and see a Semite being walked out onto a long fenced in area. "As a demonstration", Speer says. The dog is released into the fenced area and in the blink of an eye takes down the man.

We all walk over to the next curtain. He pulls the curtain down, "Our Guard Robot. Fit to guard rooms and take down easy enemies". We quickly move over to the next curtain. He looks over and pulls down the curtain, "Next, our UberSoldat. A quick moving robot that can take down harder enemies. Fit for confidential missions. Typically will accompany a Guard Robot or a Kampfhund".

We move on to a bigger curtain. I am actually excited about this one. "The Zitadel. Fit for big missions and taking down a large group of enemies". This one is massive. It has to be the size of a small house.

"Finally, Gentlemen. The Monitor. There will be one stationed in every major city, starting with Berlin, London, Chicago, and Moscow". This one has multiple people holding up the curtain. The curtain is dropped and this unbelievably big tripod-like robot stands. "Thank you for coming gentlemen. Each one of you will be given a folder with the information given today as well as extra information about each of the machines", Speer says.

I get back to my office and look through the folder that was given to me. All of a sudden, I hear the sound of my office door opening. I look up and see Maven standing there. "Yes", I ask. "Sir, we have reports of an armed man entering the New Orleans ghetto trying to aid in the escape of prisoners", he says. "What is this man's name", I ask. "John Booker, Sir", he says. "Do you have detail on was the suspect looks like", I asked him concerned. "Dirty Blond, Brown Eyes, about 6 foot, about 200 pounds", he said. "How many prisoners are reported to have escaped with the man", I ask. "About 100-200, consisting of members from Blocks B, C, E, and F", he said. "Then I want every remaining prisoner from those blocks executed on the spot", I reply to him. "Yes, Sir". "Start a manhunt for him. I want him found and brought to me, alive", I say intensely.

I head home and greet my family as usual. "How was your day honey", Helen asked. "It went well", I replied. "Great, Dinner is almost ready", she said. "Yum", I reply.

We are all sitting at the table. "So you can't tell me anything about how your day went", Helen asked. "No", I reply, "But my job is about to get very dangerous soon". "What do you mean", Helen asked concerned. "There is a terrorist who is looking to threaten the power of the Reich. He wants to overpower it", I tell them. "Is that good or bad", Chris asks. "Bad. Especially with my standing in the party and my rank. I am most likely one of his and the resistance' big targets", I tell them, "Whatever you do. If you are suspicious of someone outside of this home, I want you to tell me". "Yes, Father", Chris said. "Are you okay father", Amy asked. I put my hand on her shoulder, "Stress gets the better of everyone".

I look over at Helen and she passes me tickets to a movie ticket, "Would you like to take a visit down to Joliet and go to the Rialto theatre for a movie date in order to get your mind off of things". "I would love that", I reply. She puts the tickets in her purse, "I called a babysitter to watch the kids".

I go to my room to get ready. I found my old suit that I would wear to formal parties before the war. I walk out of the bathroom. "How stunning", Helen says. There was a knock at the door. "That must be the babysitter", Helen says. We head to the door and are greeted by a young woman. "Is this the Ryan household", she muttered. "Yes, thank you for coming to help watch the kids", I told her. We walk out the door and I hear the door shut behind me as we enter the car.

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