Chapter 3

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"normal talking"
"Whispered or thinking"

Still Ryuko p.o.v.

The door behind us open and in came, probably her mother and....Y/N?

Ryuko: Y/N? What the hell are you doing here?"

Y/N: I told you, I would find you, but when I did, I say this guy and his friend gawk at you, so I hit 'em upside the head, and carried you here."
A small blush crept on my face, knowing he carried my half naked ass here. Luckily no one saw the tint of red on my cheeks.

Mataro: You both sure like to hit me!"

Y/N: you deserve it."
Then Mako's mother stepped in with a tablet of food in hand.

Sukuyo: if it makes you two feel better to beat my hubby and mataro, feel free to do as your heart's content."

After everyone was in the room, we all say down on the small table, we were waiting on mako's mother again, until I looked at myself and realized I was all patched up...literally.

Mako: if you are wondering who patched you up, it was dad, believe it or not, he's a back alley doctor!"
She went outside to point at the sign over the door to prove her point.

Mako: his claim to fame Is that he killed way more patients than he saves."
Okay that concerns me.

Y/N: I...don't think that's something to be proud of."
He said while he was sitting next to me.

Barazo: Please! At least a dead person can't Sue the crap out of ya' am I right."

Y/N: I mean yea know what, nevermind."
With that mako's mum came in with a big ass pot in hand and placed it on the table. It looked like something died in it...

Sukuyo: I hope your all hungry. It's not fancy, but it's filling."

Mako: Dig in, my mum is the best cook in the world. Over there you got some croquette filled with I don't know what, and in the pod is a soup with all sorts of unknown things In it."
Listening to the about how they didn't know what was in the food they cooked, just made me more and more concerned. Looking over to her brother he was eating as if it was the last meal he will ever get. In came a dog with a hoodie, and started eating my plate until mako literally threw him out the window.

Y/N: did...she just throw her own dog out the window?...and did he just jump back in?"
He asked rather confused at that as well at the dog licking my plate clean.

Ryuko: Yup aaand yup."
Mako then started stuffing my face with croquettes. And they were actually not half bad. Y/N was finally eating as well. Looked like he didn't mind the taste too. Time went by quickly and everyone got to bed but Y/N. He was laying next to me without a bed below the window. I then looked over to Senketsu.

Ryuko: hey you, are you awake?"
But senketsu didn't answer, so I guess not.

Ryuko: I wish I knew what the hell you are...Senketsu."
Then Y/N shifted and faced towards me, eyes open.

Ryuko: Sorry, did I wake you up?"

Y/N: no wasn't really sleeping. can't sleep too huh?"

Ryuko: guess you can say that. I mean...  In the beginning of this week, I was still just a little trouble maker trying to find her dad's killer, and now? I got a crazy transforming uniform that makes me stronger."

Y/N: heh, you and me are in a pretty similar spot you know..."

Ryuko: How so?"

Y/N: you have your uniform, I got the armor my dad left me before he got killed, as well as my sword. Which was specifically design to cut up those uniforms.

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