Chapter 22

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"normal talking"
"Whispered or thinking"

3th. P.o.v.

Satauki: "This is not the time to discuss something like that Matoi!"

Ryuko: "Oh it is! You have the hots for him don't ya!"

As the two of there were arguing, They were evading A mind controlled Y/n, who tried slicing and dicing them in rapid succession. Even if he isn't in his armor, he was still extemly agile and fast. The two girls arguing doesn't help the situation either.

Satauki: "Let's focus on getting him out of her grasp, then we will talk about....that."

Ryuko: "Ngh, fine, you better speak you caterpillar eyebrow bitch."

As soon as the two dropped the act, they began to force y/n back, while he was trying to fight the mind control...

Y/n P.o.v.

I sat there, in the nothingness, everything was dark, but I couldn't move. Guess That Ragyo bitch has control over my body now. I could barely see through my own eyes. I saw ryuko and Satsuki fighting 'me'. It took a while but then I heard a all to familiar voice.

Aksis: "Let's hope they do what you asked them too."
Turning around I was a bit confused to SEE aksis.

"Turning around I was a bit confused to SEE aksis

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Y/n: "Aksis? Is that you?"

Aksis: "Yes, I'm here in your subconscious mind."

Y/n: "you look trapped."

Aksis gave me a small chuckle and decided to continue looking at the right while we talked.

Aksis: "I will have more freedom If they actually cut of an arm, since I then can let the SIVA flow through you better. So far it's been only the nanites, but once your arm is off, I can let the cables reattach it. Of course there may be a slight change in looks, but we can change it if you want."

Y/n: "Only in public. Around the people who know it doesn't matter."

Aksis: "As you wish...partner."

3th. P.o.v.

Ragyo was trying her best to fend of Ryuko and Satsuki with Y/n, but the two started to overpower the armorless guy with they're kamuis.

Satsuki: "You don't want to do it do you?"

Ryuko: "He's my boyfriend! Of course I don't want to hurt him, and I really don't want to cut an arm off!"

Satsuki: "Fine, then you should look away!"

In one swift slice, The Right arm of Y/n was perfectly cut off barely below the shoulder, making him scream in pain as the blood started to flow and his arm along with wilt dropped to the ground. The two girls stood next to each other as they looked at the screaming boy.

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