Chapter 19

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"normal talking"
"Whispered or thinking"

Y/n p.o.v.

Looking at Ryuko, she had the biggest smirk on her face I ever saw, and I love it.

Ryuko: "Senketsu is back together again."

Y/n: "Would you like the honor my lady?"

I asked ryuko with a mocking bow towards Satsuki, trying to piss her off.

Ryuko: "Why thank you dear, my turn Kiryuin."

Satsuki: "You're all talk and no substance, that's why you'll never best me!"

Satsuki drew her sword back, reading an attack, while Ryuko kept her smirk.

Ryuko: "We'll see about that."

And so, just like back in the academy, Satsuki cut in front of her, sending a wave towards Ryuko. But unlike in the Academy, She easily evaded it, as well as the following attacks as she got closer to Satsuki, to the point where they clashed blades.

Y/n: "She definitely got stronger, and faster."

Aksis: "She did, your little girlfriend is growing rather fast."

Y/n: "Saying it like that is weird Aksis."

As there fight went on, Mako decided to jump in with her usual X forming arms, as hallelujah is playing in the background, saying you shouldn't underestimate Ryuko and her fixation. But she was between the both, about to be diced.

Y/n: "Ah shit, here we go again."

I quickly dashed forward, and picked mako up, getting her out of the danger zone between the two girls.

Mako: "Aww...but I wasn't done!"

Y/n: "You'd be done, because they would have sliced you up. Now stay here, and most importantly, stay away from danger Kay?"

Mako: "Kay!"

I then went full speed, trying to get back to the fight between the girls, as I could hear them argue over ambition and shit while Ryuko pointed at the city, or rather satsukis ambition. As both went again Blade to blade, and face to face after Ryuko says she'll destroy Satsuki, only to be forced back by her. But then I heard Aksis chuckle.

Y/n: "What's so funny?"

Aksis: "They argue like siblings."

Y/n: "During something serious like this aksis...yeah your right. Hehe."

Ryuko lost her blade, do she transformed into Senketsu senjin. But once her attacks basically bounced off of junketsu, She transformed to shippu, flying away, only for Nonon to pic up satsuki, basically being her Uber. They made there way to Osaka's tower, till I had an idea.

Y/n: "Yo Aksis, can we use SIVA to quickly creat something to fly?"

Aksis: "I thought you'd never ask, just plunge that sword into the ground, I do the rest."

I nodded to myself, and stick my blade into the Ground. Soon, a big Siva flower appears, and opened, revealing...

 Soon, a big Siva flower appears, and opened, revealing

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