Chapter 30 - Holding Casualties

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Ahren had gotten the station under lockdown. Ahri was safely following the others around, almost definitely taking mental notes of their every action. Jasper refused to leave my side no matter what. Fletch, Trent, and Jeanine were swapping shifts at the main entrance.

Everything seemed to be under control.

I watch from a distance as Frankie begs Ahren to take a break. He'd been running around all morning and refused to stop. 

Jasper and I chuckle as we watch him blabber on and on about something before Frankie kisses him to make him shut up.

It seems to work and they walk off together seeming happy. 

Jasper and I are leaning against a wall, observing the station. There's a group of traveler's playing cards and seem to be having a great time. Luna and Vega are among them.

I smile. 

"What's got you so happy?" Jasper asks.

I shrug. "The world's gone to shit, there's a massive storm outside, and yet everyone in here is having a great time." 

He smiles. "I hope you know that that's because of you."

"None of this would have been possible without you, Ahren, or Ahri."

"You still did this."

I nod. "I know I did." 

As I look around the station I can't help but feel a flutter of nervousness in my stomach. I try to dismiss it as paranoia but something just seems off.

"What's going on? You look... sick?"

"I don't know... something just doesn't seem right. I've just got a bad feeling." I explain to him.

"You're probably just feeling anxious, there's a lot going on right now and you did just wake up from a coma recently."

I nod. "You're probably right." He probably was but it didn't ease the gut feeling I had.

"Did we post a guard between here and the next station?" I ask, looking up at Jasper.

He nods. "Yeah, I think one of the other permanents is there right now. Look, maybe we should just sit down and relax for a bit."

I sigh. "You're right..."

We decide to go back to my room and just relax. I could tell he was worried about me and my recovery. Things were already off to a stressful start after having woke up from my six-day coma. I was worried about myself as well but it was hard to just sit around. I hated not being able to actively help. 

"What should we do to pass the time in lockdown?" Jasper asks, stretching across one of the cots in my room.

I shrug, sitting at the end of the cot. "Not much to do for fun when the dead rise, is there?"

He chuckles. "Yeah, it tends to keep you busy..."

"Honestly, I missed the hell out of my computer when this all started." I tell him as I remember the days of having access to the internet.

"I miss drinking coffee." He replies.

I nod in agreement. "I used to drink waaay too much coffee."

"Who didn't?"

My smile falters a bit as I remember Cat's strong hate for the substance. 

"What is it?" Jasper asks, sitting up as he notices the change of expression on my face.

I shake my head. "Cat hated coffee. I would have at least two cups every morning and she would always threaten to throw out my coffee maker because she hated the smell, the taste, everything about it."

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