Chapter 38 - Plagued

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We need medicine and lots of it.

We needed the antidote for the case of influenza that threatened to plague our home.

"Where could we find it?" I question Dr. Kings as he stands across the hallway from me.

"The hospital would have it."

The hospital. Of course, it would. The only problem is, that place is overrun otherwise we'd have cleared it out months ago. By overrun, I'm meaning dead from floor to ceiling. We'd need an elaborate plan to get what we needed out of that place.

"What exactly do we need?"

"Oseltamivir, Zanamivir, Peramivir, and Baloxavir. Those are the medications you should look for."

My mind is repeating the names over and over in my head. "We'll leave as soon as we can. Keep this under control."

He shakes his head. "I'm afraid it may be too late..."

I bite my lip and quickly turn around, jogging down the hall as Dr. Kings goes back into the infirmary.

Oseltamivir, Zanamivir, Peramivir, Bolaxavir. Oseltamivir, Zanamivir, Peramivir, Bolaxavir. Oseltamivir, Zanamivir, Peramivir, Bolaxavir.

"Fletch! Oh thank god,"

Fletch is standing in the common quarters, anxiously tapping his foot.

"How bad is it?"

"I've got the list of meds we need, but we have to get them from the hospital."

"Didn't you say that place was overrun?"

I nod quickly. "We're gonna need a plan before we go in there but there's no other way. Living in such close quarters, this thing could spread quickly if we don't stop it now."

I hear a cough in the distance and suddenly I'm alert to the room of travelers beside me.

"Who was that?" I say, raising my voice and turning to the group.

They all look at me and Fletch standing in front of them. I stare down the rows of cots with people occupying them.

"Who was it?" I ask again, my voice sounding concerned.

Everyone seems to be quieting down as they look around at each other.

Then it happens again. Another cough, this one much more prominent in the quiet.

"It was Devin!" A voice shouts as they point a finger.

I slowly move down the rows with Fletch following slowly behind me.

I stop a few cots away from the accused.

"Devin, are you feeling okay?"

Devin is a kind-hearted black man that had stopped in a few days ago. His black baseball cap lay on the cot beside him instead of on his head like it usually would.

"Yeah, yeah. Of course, it's just my allergies."

I purse my lips together. Did I dare to tell them about the flu?

"Are you sure?"

He nods again. "Yeah, it always happens this time of year."

Fletch steps in. "There's a flu bug, three people went to the infirmary with it." He announces to the group.

It was the right choice. They deserved to know if they were in danger.

There's a murmur of whispers and conversation as we watch the group.

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