Chapter 45 - Brutally Alone

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Jeremy drops my shotgun.

"I just- he was- you were- I don't-"

He collapses on the ground, burying his face into his hands.

I scoot towards him, reaching an arm around him. He flinches as I touch him but doesn't pull away.

I hold him and he cries.

His parents were dead. His mother brutally murdered by me, his father shot in the head by him. He'd killed his own father. The kid would be fucked up for life after this...

"Jeremy, we need to leave." I say quietly.

He nods, wiping his face with his hands.

I slowly get up, brushing my hands against my pants. That's when I see all the blood. My hands had smeared blood across my dark jeans.

There was blood covering me, it was everywhere. My hands, my shirt, my face, my legs, my shoes, my pants, everything.

I hobble slowly, picking my shotgun up and grabbing my knife. I wipe the bloodied blade against my pants but it only smears the blood more. I settle for tucking it into its sheath. I put the shotgun strap over my shoulder and move to Jeremy.

He stands up and we hold each other as if letting one or the other go would cause us to break like glass, shattering into hundreds of tiny unfixable pieces.

Together, he and I hobble out the front entrance to the warehouse. Neither of us look back as we make our way into the street. I start moving in the direction of the station. The direction of home.

We're moving slowly, stopping frequently to catch our breath.

"My people," I start saying but quickly pause to breath. "They'll be searching for me."

As if on cue by my words, a car turns onto our street and immediately stops at the sight of us.

The doors quickly open and people rush out.

"Oh my god, Sasha!" Fletch's voice rings in my ears.

I smile, meeting his eyes.

"Hurry, help me Daniel!"

I feel Jeremy and I being taken apart as Fletch grabs me. He rushes me into the car, still managing to be gentle with my seemingly fragile body. Jeremy is put into the car next to me.

Fletch hurries to the front seat and doesn't hesitate a second before he starts driving back towards the station.

"Sasha, stay awake!" Fletch shouts, his loud voice ringing in my ears. "Goddamnit Daniel, be useful and keep them awake back there!"

I can feel a hand shaking my knee and I can hear voices telling me to stay awake, but my eyes are too heavy.

I mumble something I don't remember then things drift away until it's just me, alone in the dark.

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