Chapter 53 - Rude Awakening

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Sasha's POV

"And that is how I dislocated my shoulder while unknowingly bringing your ex-boyfriend back to life." Jasper says with a drunken smile on his face as he places a hand on my thigh.

He looks up from the floor and meets my gaze.

"What Graham and I had, that doesn't matter anymore. That was years ago for all I know." I assure him.

Jasper nods. "I know that it's been a long time but the history between you two is still there. And I don't even know what we are."

He had a point. There would always be something between me and Graham. After all, it had taken me a long time to get over him. Time and many bottles of Jack Daniels... Then again I don't think things between me and Graham would ever be the same again. Every time I saw him, it didn't seem real. It was like I was looking at the shadow of somebody I used to know. This world changes people... It sure as hell changed me. After all this time, Graham couldn't be the same guy I knew before I thought he died. But Jasper, I know who he is.

What are we? That was the other question at hand. I make the calls for everybody at the station so why can't I make this one? Jasper and I had something, we clearly were something. But what?

"Graham and I will always have some sort of connection but I don't know who he is anymore. I know you, so let's make it official." Even in my buzzed state, I knew what I wanted. "Can I call you my boyfriend?"

Jasper chuckles. "Only if you'll be my boyfriend- shit, I meant girlfriend!" He shakes his head. "I drank too much whiskey."

I laugh at him. "Maybe just a bit..."

I fall asleep against the wall and leaning on Jasper.

At some point in the night, I was woken up by a distant noise. I tried to wake Jasper but he was passed out, sleeping heavily as a result of the alcohol we'd drank earlier. I was feeling groggy and confused, most likely a result of the whiskey. It had been so long since I'd last had a drink...

I hear the noise again, an echo coming down the tunnel. I couldn't place the sound, my state of drunkenness confusing my ears.

"Jasper," I say as I try to shake him awake. He stirs a bit but doesn't wake up.

Then there's a loud noise, much clearer than any of the other noises I'd been hearing. A sharp scream echoes down the tunnel.

I quickly stand up, kicking Jasper and shouting at him. "Jasper, wake up! Something's going on!"

He suddenly shoots awake. "Woah, what's going on?" He slowly stands up beside me. "I don't know but-"

More screams come echoing down the tunnel.

"What the hell was that?" He asks, sobering up a bit at the noise.

"I don't know but we have to go help them."

Jasper nods, rubbing his hands over his face. He was clearly still a little drunk. "Are you okay?" I ask. He nods. "I'm fine. Let's go."

"Jasper, if something's happening and you're still drunk-"

"I'm fine!" He snaps. "I'm fine. We've gotta go help."

I nod slowly. "Okay... let's go."

We run down the tunnel and into the permanent quarters. Everybody is awake, concern and panic displayed on their faces. I see Luna and Fletch heading towards the noise that was getting louder and I shout at them.

They come over to Jasper and I. "Where the hell were you guys?!" Fletch questions.

"We were in one of the back tunnels. What the hell is going on?" I ask.

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