Another Strange Day

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He stood outside my door. He was dressed to impress or should I say dressed to intimidate as usual in a black trench coat which emphasized his broad shoulders and expensive looking black leather gloves.

The expression on his face was unreadable. It wasn't smug like it usually was. Nor was it one of open hostility.

" What are you doing here ?" I said trying to make my voice sound intimidating.

" Can we talk ?" Aiden asked.

He was walking towards his black Merecedes Benz S Class but I didn't feel comfortable with the idea of going alone somewhere with him. So I settled down on one of the benches in the small park right outside of our building. He reluctantly had to come settle down beside me.

" What was it you wanted to talk about ?" I said trying to sound bored and impatient though I was feeling quite unnerved. I had ingrained it into my brain that Aiden and danger are two synonymous words.

" It was a pretty lucky coincidence that you were there that night. Or God knows what we would have happened. " I noticed him peering into my face as he said this as if trying to gauge my reaction. I just sat there silent trying to keep my face blank.

" Why did you do it ?" He finally asked.

" It was the right thing to do. " I said.

" So you just risked your life like that for someone who you weren't even on remotely good terms with ?"

" So you would just let a man die because you didn't like him ?"

My response clearly irked him and that amused me.

" What were you doing there anyway ?"

" That's a funny question. I thought it was quite obvious that I am a waitress there. "

" Are you sure it isn't just the hotel you are working for ?"

I felt my temper flare at this. I can't believe I saved this ungrateful son of a gun !

" Wow I really should have just let you die. This conversation is over. " I said getting up from my place on the bench.

" No it isn't. " He said standing up to block my path. The nerve of him !

" Do you even realize how crazy you sound? If I was working for your enemies why would I risk my life trying to save you ! " I was so angry that it made me want to cry. I rapidly blinked my eyes the way I did when I was on the verge of angry tears. Which I was embarrassed to say happened quite often.

" I don't have just one enemy. The weapons mafia is broken into many factions. Some think killing me off is the answer. Some think that manipulating me into a sort of negotiation with them would serve their interests better. They might try to kill me but only when they feel the time is right."

" What 'time' would they be waiting for ?"

" The time when they can replace me with a successor who's willing to work with them or turn a blind eye to their activities. They killed Arianna thinking my family would be too scared to continue her mission afterwards. That move clearly backfired for them. They are not going to repeat that same mistake again. "

" So what do you think I am ? Some spy trying to get close to you ? Seriously ?" If I wasn't so angry I may have rolled my eyes. Was this guy off his trolley or what ?

" Anything is possible. They can be looking for something to blackmail me with or worse. I can't trust anyone around me . " Aiden said sounding so sure of all the crazy crap he was spouting.

" Fine maybe you should find some other pretext to lock me up in jail like last time. " I was now genuinely feeling sorry for Zack. He had been on a truly noble mission.

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