The beginning of the end

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Sarah's POV
" In the wake of the Ethan Crawford case some very shocking revelations about the Victor family have emerged. We will go over to our reporter who is currently at the Victor Mansion. So Chris what have you got?"

The screen shifted to a guy with a crew cut wearing a blue jacket with the words STN News written in bold white. I could recognise the gates to the Victor Mansion behind him. He wasn't the only reporter there I could spot an entire crowd of them behind him.

" Yes Amanda we have been out here since morning but so far there has been no sign of Mr.Victor . As you know so far none of the family members have reacted to the allegations regarding Anna Victor and her involvement in Arianna Victor's death. "

Poor Aiden these reporters won't leave him be till they get a response from him. I picked up my cell phone wanting to call him but just then the door bell rang.

I opened it and had only a second to register the small crowd of reporters present before they all thrust their mics into my face. I didn't wait to hear any of their questions but quickly backed away closing the door in their faces.

I called Aiden's cell phone but there was no response . Eventually I gave up , maybe he needed more time alone I reasoned. But I couldn't deny how hurt I felt nevertheless.

I had almost forgotten about the court's investigation regarding Dr.Sheridan . The doctor whose negligence had caused my father's death. The investigation happening was Aiden's doing. I felt especially grateful considering how the court hearing went. Sasha had to come here to testify in court and things seemed to be going in our favour. It almost seemed inevitable that in the next hearing Dr.Sheridan would finally be convicted and lose his medical license as well as do some jail time. Though this week's hearing seemed to have tilted the odds on our side I couldn't be as cheerful as Sasha and mom were.

We had gone out to celebrate but even my favourite plate of chicken arrabiata couldn't cheer me up. At least today I had expected Aiden to call me . But there was still no sign of him. Sasha ever the perceptive one tried to get me to talk about how I felt . But all I wanted to do was brood alone in silence. I tried telling myself he probably is going through a lot and needs to be given more time. But I couldn't the fact that his ignoring me broke my heart. And there was a bitter voice inside of me that couldn't excuse Aiden's actions.

To top it off the reporters weren't ones to just give up. Getting out of the house was an effort in itself as they were literally camping outside my home. If this wasn't enough I suddenly started feeling as if I was being watched.

For three days in a row I saw a black car parked near my house. The warning bells started ringing in my mind when I noticed that the same car was parked near my office as well. This morning the car was there again and I knew something had to be done.

There were still a bunch of reporters lurking nearby and it was daytime so I felt brave. I walked up to the guy in the car and tapped on his window. The guy in the car was well built with a scar running across his cheek. He was intimidating to say the least. Still I decided not to back down and tried to make my voice sound more confident than I felt.

" I know you are following me . Who sent you? Or would you only answer to the police ? "

It worked the guy started talking immediately.

" It was Mr.Victor . He hired us for your protection ."

" Us? You mean there's more of you?"

" Yeah I stay here during the day , at night there are others " .

Seeing my exasperated expressed he started again.

" We are only here to keep you safe. If you want you can call the boss and ask him yourself."

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