A ball to remember

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Aiden's POV
" You are absolutely sure ?" I asked.

" Yes sir. They didn't get the money for the bail from anywhere else. " Ethan my associate who was keeping an eye on the Summers family spoke with surety.

This wasn't good. I was back to square one. I still hadn't gotten any leads on my sister's murderers.

I had been carrying on her legacy and trying to dismantle the illegal weapons smuggling network. While doing so I questioned each of the people I helped put behind bars about Arianna's murder. But no one was willing to confess to it or had given me any information on it despite my offering them incentives to do so.

I dug into my Baked Alaska. Today I would binge on every dessert available. It would take strenuous workouts in the gym to keep myself in shape but so be it. Today was one of the days when I couldn't keep my stress levels under control without satisfying my sweet tooth.

It wasn't just the fact that I was no where closer to before in finding Arianna's killers. Something else was bothering me as well.

My mind kept going back to Sarah Summers. How she had begged for me to let her go for her mother's sake. It was shocking to see her that way. Though I knew that she was afraid of me I also thought that somewhere she had a bit of an ego.

Something about that memory triggered guilt in me. No. I shouldn't feel sorry for her. It could all be a trick. Maybe that's what she intended. For me to feel sorry for her. But what if she's innocent ? A voice in the back of my head whispered. How will you feel about torturing an innocent woman who lost literally half her family not too long ago ?

I looked at the breathtaking view of the city's skyline through the floor to ceiling glass windows. The lights from the city glowed magnificently under the night sky. Victor Tower was the tallest building in the city and you could see everything from up here.

My father had built it. And it made my heart swell with pride when I came here. The cafe where I sat had so many fond childhood memories of mine associated with it. Everything was in themes of black and silver. From the silver caged chandeliers to the black marble floors.

Suddenly I caught sight of myself reflected in the glass window.
It showed a man who looked truly miserable.

Sarah's POV:
" I think you should tell mom about Victor being your classmate. " Sasha said to me. We were in my room both of us unable to sleep though it was two o'clock in the night.

" Sasha, mom will ask me to drop out of college immediately. " I protested.

" Well maybe you should. "

" What's the point ? He will find me anyway. That guy has connections everywhere. I can't lock myself in this house forever and we don't have enough money to relocate. "

" We could to another city. " Sasha suggested looking uncertain nevertheless.

" Relocating to another city wouldn't be enough. As long as we are in this country we can never escape him. You even told me once that these guys have connections on every continent.

"What will we do then ?" Sasha's face had fallen.

" We will have to just brave this one out and hope that everything turns out well." I kissed her cheek and tried to sound more courageous then I felt.

A month later

I stood in black pants and a crisp white shirt . My mother's friend had helped me get a job at the Pearla Hotel . It was one of the most prestigious ones in the city second only to the Victor Tower Hotel. ( Ofcourse I would never in hell want a job there). Today was my first day and already I was neck deep in work. There was a huge charity ball being organized there and I had to attend to the guests. The guest list consisted of one of the most influential figures in the country.Socialites,celebrities and politicians you name it.

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