Aiden's World Shatters

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I never had thought much about how my wedding would be like. Whenever the thought did come into my mind I would worry about how my over protective and quite possessive father would react. He may try to put on a brave face but deep down he would be filled with misgivings about the choice I was making. Some fathers just think their daughters are too good for any man to be worthy of them. After he died however I worried about how miserable I would feel walking down the aisle without him.

But today my mind was only filled with happy thoughts as Sasha added some finishing touches to my make up and mom helped fix my veil.

" She looks beautiful does'nt she ?" Mom looked at me fondly .

" Yes she does." A voice I thought I would never hear again in my life said from behind me.

To my shock Sean stood behind me wearing the tuxedo he wore on his wedding day, the last set of clothes I had seen him in before he had gone on his honeymoon to never return again.

I ran to him and threw my arms around him , tears of joy rushing to my eyes.But he did'nt hug me back.

" Why did'nt you tell him?'' He asked in a stern voice , pulling my arms away from him , an accusing look on his face.

" Why did'nt you tell him Sarah!'' He shouted at me , shoving me away from him . I fell to the floor and the impact was so hard that I could feel my bones breaking and see a pool of blood forming around me. Somehow I knew I looked just like Anna Victor that day.

I woke up with a start . Today was Anna's funeral . Today I had to pretend I was mourning the death of the woman whose demise I had wished for. Or I could choose to tell everyone the truth about her. I guess I was in the same position that Arianna once was when she had learned the truth but had to hide it to protect Aiden.

As for Aiden , he still appeared to be in shock . He would just stare into space not saying anything. Or he would stay locked up in his room. I knew he hated looking weak in front of others but I wished he would at least let me in if not anyone else.

As much as I wanted Anna Victor's secret to be exposed I couldn't bring myself to do it as I didn't think Aiden could take it . And what was the point anyway? Anna was gone probably the fear of facing the world after her crimes were revealed caused her to take her own life . In a way I had already taken my revenge.

''Honey are we ready to go ?'' I heard mom's voice , she stood on top of the stairs dressed in a black jacket and skirt. " You are going too?'' I asked.

"Of course dear . Aiden has done so much for us since the past couple of months , not to mention he may one day become part of our family. I should definitely be there."

I felt my heart sink we had only started dating and God knows what will happen to our relationship if Aiden came to know the truth , yet mom had already assumed me and Aiden were going to end up married. And would she want to attend the funeral of the woman who murdered her son? I had too because I loved Aiden too much to abandon him just because of something his mother did , but would my family do the same if they knew the truth ? Was it wrong of me to hide the truth from them?

" Mom there is something I need to tell both you and Sasha...." I decided it was now or never.

I sat in the front row with Aiden , Anna was in a casket in front of us. They kept the casket closed considering the condition of Anna's body. Aiden's eyes kept on closing and I feared he might fall off his chair.

" You took those sleeping pills didn't you? How many ?'' I whispered to him concerned.

"Just enough to numb my brain, don't worry I am not going to die. All I want is to sleep .'' He rubbed his eyes.But his words weren't enough to put me at ease. I still feared he might contemplate suicide . I knew he was brave and resilient but Anna was all that he had left and now he had lost his entire family .

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