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Jennie's POV

Im really exited to this day!i can't even believe that i will be married to a popular man in our university and the most handsome sweet man...

Lisa prepared me a nice violet dress that will match for my wings,and she also prepared my white heels with ribbon on top..she even fix my dark brown hair into curly,and by myself i put some light make up on my face.

I wish this will be the greatest day of my life,and the wedding ceremony will be memorable for us!

"Come on sister,we must eat breakfast first" lisa said after fixing her self up,the baby pink dress suits her well.

"Coming!" i said and snatch my sling bag full of notebooks and stuff and leave my room closing the door behind me.

We fly together all the way to dining room,we saw the maids rushing in and out of the kitchen to prepare the breakfast and also my father..he's sitting at the end of the table

"Good morning father" lisa greet with a morning smile

"Good morning our king"I greet and paste a smile and sit beside father

"Good morning my princesses,jennie you cannot call me your king after your wedding is that clear?i am so tired of it,and prince kai your soon to be king will replace my position,and he will rule the primrose kingdom..and i just want to sleep all  day finally" father explained

"Well father don't call us princess its too...childish i mean!....way too..formal?i guess"i said awkwardly and sip a sweet nectar in a fancy glass

"Yeah sister is right..."lisa agreed and take a bight of honey cake...

"You too lisa..you can just call me in my name instead,'sister' is formal too"
I said and frown

"Anyway...jennie,are you...really sure about your relationship with kai?"he question,oh gawd here we go again i already said that were happy together..

"Father.."I whined looking at him in low energy

"I mean!..look didn't you notice that he's being a play boy around the girls in university?..."he suspiciously ask

"..." i quitely play the food in front of me,i think father have no trust on kai...can't he see?i am really with kai we spend our days to be with eachother...he's really nice and sweet towards me!...maybe father can't understand a few details..

"Look..jennie,i just want you tobe happy with the right guy infront of you...i don't want you tobe hurt understand?"father said and place his hand on my shoulders,and i twist my head and smile i quickly place my hand on top of my shoulders as a response.

"Ehem!..not disturbing the moment but the time is running?"lisa said and spreading her wings to float herself,while her bag is hanging at her both hands.

"Okay father...goodbye,we will go now"I said and kissed father right on the cheek and fly with lisa.

"Take care!"father shouts.

After a few minutes we landed quickly in university,and we fold our wings..all the students are looking at us nicely and some of them greeting as and bowing infront of us,so we just smiled at them and greet them back.

This is the place where we kai met,in this entrance he kissed my hand and treat me nicely and in a romantic way.

"Umm..are you going to give that to kai?"lisa said pointing to the buttonir(A/N:okay i dunno how to spell that word) that i made last night.

"Yes of course,isn't it beautiful?"I said as i stared to a flower with a butterfly made of petals and leaves.

"Yeah~...but that's too ugly for him--i mean its not that good but--cause he's...." and i stare at her with confusion and waving her hands like she wants to say something that can't slip out her mouth..

"too charming!so that might wreck him" she said and take the buttonir on my hands and throw it in the trash.

"Lisa!"i shout and she immediately hand me a buttonir...the most bautiful buttonir that she made.

"Oh?" "I know your bad at arts so i made that for you to give it to kai,soo don't worry about it" she said and let out a chuckle

"Thanks lisa your the sweetest sister!" i said and kiss her on the cheek..

"Okay stop!way to cheesy...now give that to kai as soon as possible the class may start any minute okay?"she said supportively and pat my arm and walk to her locker.

I quickly flew away to find kai every place to give this buttonir before the wedding so he can wear it when i walk infront to him,with red carpet and petals all the way to the altar...

I am so dreammy with kai and the wedding i should focus to the class too hehe...

Oh there he is in the garden!i must suprise him!

I silently landed meters away from  him so i can make him startled,i take every step until i reach him...and--

"Kai~!"...that voice was a girl

I quickly glace infront and it is a girl!

A girl?!

"I missed you so much baby"Kai said.

My world become to stop spinning and my wide eyes are filled with tears  and my lips was partted and trembling...i bit my lip to prevent from crying and close my eyes and the tears begun to race down my cheek,the buttonir that I'm holding was now crumpled in my bare hands....it hurts so much..

I quickly throw away the crumpled buttonir and fly away..

"Jennie!"kai yell

I didn't look back cause I'm really hurt,after the trust i gave him was all dumped...i thought this would be the happiest day of my life,but I'm wrong..

I'm really wrong...

After i landed in university,the hallway was already empty its all silent...but my emotions breaking the silence,i can't really deserve a real man..

I slowly walked to principals office to do something...

The teachers are worried about me they keep asking that..what happen to  me,but i don't answer them and held the microphone...i need to tell them..

"Goodmorning students..i have an announcement,the wedding's off...that's all.." i said in the microphone and quickly leave and go back to the kingdom without father knowing..

Father's right...he's a playboy,i should listen to him from the start..and i should not tell him what happen..

Well hello i just want to say that sorry if my grammar suck HAHA

Taetae:Sexy porn star😃

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