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Author's POV

Well...Jennie's wedding ceremony was cancelled,lets talk about that later lets move to the dark forest...

The mushroom from the borders are now passing the issue about the wedding all the way to kingdom of king taehyung,but after that it will be passed to jin and jisoo..

"The wedding of princess and prince is cancelled.."the red top mushroom whispered to jin and jisoo as they lean their ear to hear the issue.

"Oh is that so?.." jisoo said and smirk and jin grinned ear to ear

"Must we tell this to him?he might piss off because of this shit issue" jin said as he's face turn to serious.

"Of course it's from the borders!" jisoo said and ran and jin ran after her..

When they both got inside the kingdom they catch their breaths infront of the bored king staring at them waiting..

"King...issue from.... the border.." jisoo said catching her breath every word.

"You tell him!"jisoo nudge jin's elbow,and jin stared at her.

"What?wh-why me??"he said stutter

"I am waiting!..." king taehyung annoyed

"He like you the most" jisoo said
And stand up straight so jin did too.

"The prince and princess's wedding was now cancelled...my king" jin said shakily and jisoo is already staying like a stone to show king that she's unafraid.

"Rrgg-ahhh!why are you telling me that useless issue?!so what are you planning me to do?!" the king angrily stands up with his wings that looks like shaking furiously like a hissing snake,they really did telling it to him...

"I've heard about that king taehyung!you will not destroy the primrose kingdom!" sugar plum shouts that echoed through his place.

And the king brighten his face with a evil smile that make the two shivered in fear.

"Actually,sugar plum...you gave me ideas,but how can i do that thing?"the king ask himself placing his finger to his chin,and eyes roaming every corner of the non-colored dusted hall.

"Don't dare to taehyung!or i'll tell everyone a story of that faithful day~!🎶" sugar plum sings in the sentence of 'Faithful day'

"Don't dare to call me in my name!and try to tell every or I'll shake you in your cage until you die!" the king shouted back causing sugarplum to mute.

"Are you planning something...our king?" jisoo ask crossing her arms and tilt her hip a little.

"What plan are you guys talking about?!" a women-like suddenly appears to their back,and the three of them looks at her.

"Seulgi" jin and jisoo said annoyingly and return their heads to king.

"I'll call you two later if i have that thing" king taehyung said in hard raspy voice,and the two bowed infront of him and head outside.

"Taehyung!tell me about that plan right now" seulgi said and gritted her eyes to her son.

"Mom...I'm going to rule the primrose kingdom to be one world in my own place,cause the mushrooms from the border said that the prince and princess's wedding is now cancelled...isn't it good to have my turn to be the king of all?that might be fun!"
The king happily explain expecting all what he said.

"..are you sure bout' that?...well have a wife first so i let you do it" his mother said and put her hands to her hips side to side.

"No!i don't need a queen,loving someone is strange!so i sent some goblins to cut down the primroses every spring!and yes!i will do it ALL BY MYSELF!"He said meaning it all to his mother.

And her mother just face palm him,saying this on her mind 'what's the connection about the primroses in this spring??I'm just talking about love not that love potion!' and look to his son again.

"You really look like your father,but look!he have me!we made you in this world!how can love be so dangerous to you?!its just that faithful day and you already hated love that much??i mean--come one taehyung!"her mother explained with her hands and feet moving while talking to taehyung that almost scolding him.

"Mom seriously...i just hate it..because of that my firstlove---augh!nevermind...just go back mom i am really pissed off.." her son said and he lazily sat at his throne rubbing his temple.

"What ever taehyung,but i will find your future wife soon as possible" Seulgi lastly said and walk away.

"As if i will like her back..augh!" he mumbled.

Jisoo's POV

Were heading to the sala,to sit our tired ass down and relax ourselves from fear and running..

King taehyung is really a feared king?cause every time we bought a news and issues from the mushroom border he gets angry easily...is he a short tempered?

We all know that dark forest is a place and a home of dark scary weird creatures and stuff,im wondering how primrose kingdom looks like?is it full of primroses?well it would be a sick for me if it is.

"Jisoo.." "yeah?.." i questioned and he lean back to the chair made of stone laying hes elbow on the arms of the chair.

"I'm just curious about sugar plum fairy said last time..." he said looking at the table.

"What about that?"i question.

"She said a thing like 'Faithful day' from king taehyung...i was thinking about that when we leave them with seulgi" jin said looking at me seriously.

Augh!he always makes trouble...wow coming from me?I'm the one whose sending him in trouble HAHA!

"Heyy cut it off...it's King's privacy!don't be curious about it!" i snap him waving to his face.

"What if we.." "We what?"i said confusely raising my eyebrow and nudging my lips sideward.

"Take a peek to sugar plum and ask her to tell us that faithful day" he whisper leaning on me.

I widen my eyes and slap his right arm in his stupidity and gritted my lips to him.

"Stop jin!your making a trouble including with an innocent women like me!" i protested and crossed my arm towering my eye on him.

"Wow!...every one saying that we look like twins so don't react like your the only one here!" he fight back widening his eyes on me and pointing a finger infront of me.

"Ugh!were not relatives duh!so don't assume it!"i just said standing up and leave him still staring at me while i walk away from him.

"Hey!don't you leave me here alone!hey comeback!" he shouted.

"Play with other goblins!" i yell back smirking as i go through my way.

He must be silent and irritated now,he just assume that were really twins cause just the other creature tell us that we look like a same person with diffrent gender and personality..

I was like...can you stop?

Hey yow!i just want to say sorry again for the wrong words and grammar but kinda hope you like this chapter!sooo any ways i will publish two chapters a day cause to the next month i will beeeeeee busy cause of the new school year i mean i am graduating this 4th year highschool...but that day is too far it will last in 10 months HaHa..so yeah make sure you vote and comment in my taennie story even your a silent reader you should vote every chapter,cause your in my area kid😑...and yeah!byeeee

Namjoon:..and I'm sexy like a pornstar..😌

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