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Jungkook's POV

I have to tell jimin about this...i promised sugar plum,i have to find a light blue wing fairy..

"Jimin.." i called but he just stare at me..he looks angry should i talk to him??"n-nothing.."..i look at him time to time..maybe that gave him creeps..

"Hey bunny boy!is there a problem with jimin?" kai suddenly pop..byt i ignore him as xiumin said...

Jungkook remember what i said okay,just hide on the hole bunny boy!" kai shouts..."He's noisy" heunning kai said and i hum..

Xiumin now knows about it..he's in my side,he will protect me now..and i have to be strong..

Sugar plum...promised..i have to grant it...

I have to talk to jimin as soon as possible...if i get caught soon,i have no chance..

No one will caught you jungkook..

I jump down the iguana and walk to jimin and grab him,and i walk fast to infront of iguana..

"What are you doing?!" he said and we continue to walk.."I have to tell you something...important" i said

"You gay?" "What?no!" i quickly replied,so he thought im a gay cause i take a glance at him time to time??

"Then what it it??" he questioned...i take a deep breath "Someone likes you,i mean she chose you.." i said seriously.."Who chose me?and like me for what?" he ask

"You know sugar plum?the one who have powers to make a love potion?...here I'll explain it to you..every gaurdian like her needs a chosen lover by finding their favorite color of wing of a fairy..like you,she said she liked light blue wings,and you are her lover..i promised her to grant her wish cause i owe her make a love potion...got it?" i explain..

But he just stare on the groynd while were walking..

"But.." "What?" "But i am waiting for someone to marry...and she promised me too cause i ask her..when i was young.." He said..

What?that's possible...its a years pass to find her again,loyal man huh?i hope all..

"It's years pass...but where do you met her?" i ask and he look at me "Sunflower village..i met her when i lost walking with my parents in late night,she's really beautiful and cheerful...everyday morning i always watch her playing with the kids with her magic..i don't know what kind of fairy is she,but that night i saw is the last night that i met her..i woke up in the next morning and found that she was gone.." he said and smile bitterly..

I wonder why that girl have gone that day..

"So how old is she?" i ask "I don't know,but she's a grown up already."


The girl she like is older than him?

"I think she's older now i mean.. An old pretty lady" i said..."No...she said she live forever"...the girl she's talking about..is..no way?!

"Wait wait wait!...how does she looks like?!" i quickly ask.. "Umm..she have a long indigo wavy hair?pale glowing skin..and she's floating..she's pretty" he said and smile.

I knew it!its her!

"And what is her name?" i ask suspiciously "Her name is rosè" he answered...rosè?

I must be wrong?..maybe she's the other gaurdian in other kingdoms..

"By the way what us her name..i mean the girl who likes me?" he questioned

"Her name is sugar plum..she's the maker of love potion" i answer...

"Sugar plum?..she must be sweet like rosè hehe" he said and grin..

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