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First of all...i didn't notice that this book have 1.0++k readsΣ(っ゚Д゚;)っ
Thanks for the readerz out there!TAENNIE iz rEaL..●︿●

Kai's POV

Thank goodness jungkook...you don't tell the truth!

Good elf \( ̄▽ ̄;)/

That feared king comes back again..for the love potion..hmp!it's jungkook's fault,cause he did it...so that means my threat was effective huh?...but it's okay,I'll save that from getting me in prison..or cut my wings..

That doesn't matter but the important is i have the love potion and all i have to do is...splash that to my princess jennie..and she will head over heels over me,and i can have the army!to take take down the dark forest and king taehyung!HAHA!

Im so exited..

"Kai i need you to save my princesses,right now!.they might be in danger,cause they are inside the dark forrest!" the king begged me with worried eyes..

"Don't worry your highness i will bring them back safe and sound...my gaurds!" i shout and my three loyal gaurds quickly landed beside me..

"I need you guys with me,lets save the princesses!gather some elf army!" i said and they fly out and do what i said.

"Your so amazing prince kai,that's why my princess jennie is inlove with you...how could i pay you if you replace my position?" the king said..

I put my hands on my hips and smile..

"I just want two wish...one is army...and two is my lovely princess jennie!" i said gladly and chuckle.

"Ok...but sure save my princesses!"
He lastly said and leave with his gaurds in armor..

The dance party was ruined..and over,the fairies and elfs begun to murmur and gossip about what happen...

But..ooohh...my wish will grant soon...

Before the king leaves i smirk and flew to hoseok,yoongi and jimin gathering the brave elfs to go with us.....but most of them are boys and a little bit girls...

"Is this enough?" jimin said spreading his arm and hand infront of the elfs,i flew high and saw 70+elfs gathered..

And i nod as an agreement..

"Okay guys torch up!we need to save the princesses from the hands of the feared king!" jimin shouts..and they all lighten the torches...

"Today you will have the best opportunity to have the high rights for your own..i mean like,since the elfs treat like slaves...the king will bless all the elfs who voluntered to save the precious princesses of our king namjoon of primrose kingdom" i said and smile...

"Okay!line up in 3!then we will lead through dark forest!" hoseok said...

Yoongi just so silent and expressionless...its like blank face..

"Your thinking about the goblin girl, am i right?am i right?" i whispered and smirk to tease him..

"Tss..she have a name you fool" he just growl and fly away...

Fool?..am i fool?or he is just being one?

We march from primrose kingdom to dark forest...thank goodness i have wings instead of walking through the place were going!

Taehyung's POV

Finally...i came at my kingdom,with the creatures who bought a sack with a princess inside in it..

Jin and jisoo is in my left and right side,and i at on my precious throne...i cross my legs and rest my elbowin the arms of my throne and my head is resting on my nuckles...

It's time to see the fear face of the princess....what's her name again?oh!

Princess lisa...

"OuR KiNg...ShAll We eAt ThE p..PriNcesS?.."

"Ooohhh iT wILl bE so delIcioUs!"

"I'll eaT Her WIngS!"

"No..letS coOk heR fiRsT-"

"Stop that!you guys were not going to eat the princess...understand?!" i shout..

"Gian~..." i called cause he almost want to eat the princess inside..

"Aww..." he sadly whines

"Now can you,...open the sack now" i said..

"But king..." "Jisoo.." jin called to stop her..."Im sorry king.." she apologize..

And the two creatures open the sack...

And i saw the princess rise and rub her eyes and met mine...

"Gasp!*...Sweet strawberry covered chocolate!..MY HONEYBUNCH!"

what the hell she said?...

I was shock when he flew to me and hug me tight..

"Why you took so long honeybunch?"she ask with her eyes twinkling to me..

"Who's honeybunch your talking to?!"i angrily said and force her arms to pull away..

"Oh don't be silly!your my honeybunch!the guy k wish to marry someday!" she said and cup my cheeks

"Im king taehyung!..don't you dare to touch me or call me honeybunch!..I'm not your property!" i said and fly up but she grabs my foot and smile..

"Honeybunch~don't act that you don't know what love is!" she said and pull me down but i fly away and hide behind jin..

"I don't know what your falking about!what the hell is wrong with you?!" i growl.."King i have something-" "Not now jisoo!...get away from me you lovesick fairy!" i cut off jisoo and stand upon my throne,pointing my sword to the princess...

"Exactly!i am a lovesick fairy because of you my honeybunch!" she giggled..

And i widen my eyes..

The love potion...how the love potion splash at her?!how can that be?!

"Why nobody tells me that she's affect in love potion?!!" i shout "I tried to king!but you keep shutting me off" jisoo spat and frown.

"Im sorry go ahead" i said while flying away with this crazy princess..

"I saw the cricket a while ago and tried to take away the love potion to the elf named jungkook,and that cricket let go of the love potion jungkook accidentally splash a love potion to lisa and that!those creatures put her in the sack" she explained and breath heavily...

"Thanks jisoo and sorry a while ago..can you bring her go the prison?!it's so annoying,she keep chasing me and calling me her 'honeybunch'!" i said annoyingly and the creatures pull her foot with them and walk away..

That was close...

"Gahhhh!!!" i twist my head and saw the another princess crash down to my favorite window above and she attacks me..

"Bring back my sister.." she said gritted her teeth

"Is that our game now?'Bring back my sister'?" i said blocking her sword with mine and smirk at him...

Here's the pretty princess...

This would be soo fun..

Sooo yeahhh nice update!first of all sorry for mistakes grammar and typo haha im tired fron school but hope you like it cause my brain is active today after i doze off haha!

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Fact #1 of me:
I'm 14(๑ơ ₃ ơ)♥

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