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I looked in the mirror at myself and then turned to grab my backpack. Taking a deep breath I walked through the front door. Shayne waited for me outside. I smiled moving to his side. His hand intertwined with mine and we started towards the school.

My mom made me do school home bound while we went through the trial. Doing school at home sucked. Mostly because I couldn't see Shayne. The trial was coming to a close very soon so my mom let me start actually attending school again. Today was my first day back.

My mom still wasn't sure how she felt about Shayne. She still partially blamed him for not telling anyone. I talked to her about it a few weeks ago and she understood where he was coming from...kind of. She gets that he didn't think anyone would believe him. She doesn't get that someone could've come after him if he said anything.

"Ready?" Shayne asked. I had zoned out a bit.

"I'm scared." I told him.

"Don't be. I'll be here for you." He tells me.

"Did people—do people talk about me?" I asked.

"I mean....alittle. People just asking if they heard about what happened. Its not really a topic of discussion anymore." He says. "I'm sure it'll be fine. Its none of their business." He gives me a reassuring smile.

We reached the school and as we entered I felt people's eyes on me. It was already like the walls were closing in. I knew it was partially in my head, but I couldn't help but feel more nervous. Shayne squeezed my hand reassuringly and we walked forward to my class. 

As we reached the room I stopped dead in my tracks. "I can't do this." I said.

"Hey, hey you've got this." He turned to me, placing his hands gently on my shoulders.

"No I can't do this. I should've waited another week like my mom said. I have to go home." I began panicking. He pulled me to him in a tight embrace. I began to calm down slightly, my arms holding him close to me.

"You're gonna be fine Damien. If you need to just text me during class and I'll meet you in one of the restrooms, okay?" He told me. I let go of him and took a few deep breaths nodding.

"Okay. I better get in there. If I don't now I don't think I will." I joked.

Shayne smiled at me and pressed a kiss to the corner of my mouth. "Love you!" He said walking off.

"Love you to!" I smiled at him before walking in. Luckily the class was near empty. I wouldn't have to deal with people staring when I walked in. I could avoid their stares once I'm inside. My teacher smiled at me as I took my seat. "Welcome back Damien." She said.

Most of first period I didn't pay attention. When I got to second I smiled when I saw Elliot. He took a seat next to me and looked at me concerned.

"Are you okay? People have been saying the government took you." He asked in a hushed tone.

"I'm fine." I rolled my eyes. I wasn't really supposed to say anything until the case was closed.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yes, and if I wasn't I would tell you when I'm ready." I tell him. He nodded. I tried to pay attention more in this class than the previous one. English. If only all we did was read books and discuss them. It would make life that much easier. Instead we have to learn about symbols and theme and over analyze every sentence we read.

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