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I began reading his message for me

'My uncle is the one who shot Shayne. I called him when you were taken and I gave the information that he broke out to Shayne. He wasn't supposed to tell me and I wasn't supposed to tell him, so he told me I owed him for that. All he told me was that he needed me to keep and eye on you to make sure you weren't going to do anything rash.

'When I told him you were planning on making a video he seemed upset. I asked him if he wanted me to do anything for him and he told me he'd take care of it. When I heard Shayne got shot I knew it wasn't coincidence. Thats why I was so jumpy yesterday. I wanted out of this but when I asked my dad (him and my mom are in on this as well) he told me there was no backing out. Family is family. I didn't want to hurt anyone, and I can't talk about this at the hospital or in my car because they're listening. My mom is a nurse and my car is bugged for audio. Tell me if I can do anything to help you guys.'

I looked up at him. I saw the fear in his eyes. He really didn't want anyone to get hurt. I could tell. I took his phone and began typing a response.

'Thank you for telling me. I received a message saying "Consider this a warning." I told Shayne about it and we started coming up with people we could look for as spies. Shayne brought up you and I was going to ask you. If you would, do you have any proof of your uncle doing this apart from your word. If we take physical evidence to the police we can take him down. And would you be willing to testify if this goes to another trial?'

He read it.

'Yes. I have messages from that night. I asked him if he did it and why he did. He told me to delete the messages and I never did. I will testify if it goes to trial.'

I smiled. "Thank you." I whispered. He nodded. He finally drove us to the hospital and we got out. "You don't worry about telling Shayne. I'll tell him. When he gets out of the hospital we'll find a place to discuss what's next." I tell him as we entered the hospital. We went to Shaynes room and I smiled at him.

"How did things go over at school?" Shayne asked me. I looked at Joven and then snapped.

"Joven came to me about everything he knows. It was his uncle who shot you. He and his whole family are in on this. They have eyes almost everywhere. His mom is a nurse here, they have my teacher at school, even Jovens dad is apart of this. Joven told me he never wanted anyone to get hurt and he feels extremely guilty about everything. He agreed to give us the little bit of evidence he has to us and to testify if this goes to court." I tell him quickly.

"And what if his family finds out he's playing double agent?" He asks.

"Then we'll have to pray for the best. When you get out of here we'll discuss it somewhere alittle more private. Like my house or somewhere." I tell him.

"So we're almost to the safe zone." He says.

"Yeah." I smiled. "Ms. Slaughter basically knew nothing, but she was a spy. She does know that Jovens uncle is great shooter. Could get away with any of our murders. He didn't want you to die." I tell him. He nodded.

"Hopefully he calms down and doesn't shoot anyone else." He said. I snapped my fingers.

"Just told him." I said to Joven. He looked shocked.

"Right. Time stop." He said before taking a seat. He looked at Shayne nervously.

"I don't blame you. You didn't know this was going to happen." He told him. Joven nodded.

"I'm just really sorry about what happened." He said.

We all talked for an hour after that laughing and joking. Joven and I decided it was time to go. I stood and planted a kiss on the side of his mouth. "Love you. I'll come over tomorrow to see you." I smiled. He smiled st me.

A nurse walked in. "Hey Shayne. I just got word that if your parents come here you can be discharged today." She smiled widely.

"You're kidding." He sat up excitedly.

"Yeah. As long as you change your bandages and are careful you're good to go." She smiled. Joven and I had to leave, but I texted him a heart and smiley face.

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