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Darlene started a group chat
Darlene added Tom and Brad

Darlene: You put my son in the hospital!

Tom: What are you talking about?

Darlene: Your brother put Josh in my hospital with bruises all over his body, a broken nose, both eyes black, a concussion, two broke ribs, a fractured wrist, and a dislocated shoulder. Thats all they've even said so far!

Tom: Brad, is this true?

Brad: I was right about him you know! He was playing double agent. Better spy then I thought.

Tom: That doesn't give you permission to put him in the hospital!

Brad: He was compromised! He was gonna turn all of us over!

Tom: He's a kid! He's protecting his friends. You already nearly killed one kid, don't try and kill mine.

Brad: It was strictly business. Nothing personal. I couldn't risk being found out. I didn't do it because I wanted to hurt Joven.

Tom: You didn't have to break half of his body

Brad: I broke like an 1/8 stop being dramatic.

Tom: I knew I shouldn't have agreed to help you.

Brad: Family is family.
Brad: You can't back out.
Brad: I don't want to hurt you guys.

Tom: Are you threatening us?

Darlene: I can't believe I let you guys talk me into this.

Brad: I'm warning you. I will have to if you back out on me. Its just my line of work.
Brad: Its not personal Tom. None of it is

Tom: I feel like you're losing your touch. You wouldn't have slipped up this bad a couple months ago.

Brad: I'm fine. I have to scare that kid if I want him to listen.

Tom: He's defiant. He won't listen. If anything it'll make him more inclined to act out.
Tom: He wants to be heard.

Brad: I'll kill him if I have to. Its hard enough that he's made this situation such a mess. He just doesn't know how to keep his nose down.

Tom: Don't do anything stupid Brad.



I dialed my wife. "Tom what are we gonna do? Brad is out of control! I mean you should see Joven." Darlene exclaimed.

"I know. He's threatened us too though. I don't know what all I can do. I don't want you to get hurt. Not after Josh." I sigh. "I'll figure out his next step." I tell her.

"You're not planning on helping him more do you?" She asks.

"If I don't it could be you or myself. I can't put my family in more danger. I was stupid to even allow Joven to help him. Owing him or not he had no business being involved." I say.

She sighed. "Just make sure we'll be okay." She says.

"I will honey." I say. "I'm gonna head up to the hospital right now. I'll see you in a few." I tell her.

Brad: I have my next plan.

Tom: Call me.

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