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I wanted to talk to Ms. Slaughter. Shayne was right. Its very convenient that she had a similar thing happen to her. Not many people knew about the video either. Maybe the government killed my teacher so they could have eyes on me.

Maybe I'm getting too paranoid about things. I got to school in a rush today. I didn't like being on the street for so long after last night. The idea of being shot in a neighborhood was alittle odd, but it could happen. Who knows. They could be in a house I'd never think of.

I got to school and went to her class. I wanted to talk before school started. When I arrived I was shocked to see she wasn't there. Another sub sat at her desk. She noticed me and smiled.

"Good morning." She said. Her voice was pleasant.

"Sorry I came to talk to my teacher. I'll just go." I said and rushed out.

I went to my first period and I sighed to myself. I'd talk to her tomorrow assuming she'd be back. I felt my phone buzz. I looked down at it.

Shaynes mom: He woke up. You can come by after school. Do you want me to give you a ride?

Me: Thanks but thats alright. I'll have one of my friends drive me.

Shaynes mom: Okay.

I smiled. He's awake. I couldn't wait to see him. More than that, I couldn't wait to explain to him what happened. The message. My theory. Everything. He had to know.

The day flew by and before I knew it the day was done. I had asked Joven to give me a ride to the hospital. He agreed, but seemed quite shaken up. When we pulled up I looked at him. "You coming?" I asked.

"Err no I can't....I have to get home...to...to talk to my dad. He said it can't wait. I'll visit him maybe tomorrow though." He said. He was more anxious than I'd ever seen him.

"Are you okay Joven?" I asked.

"Yeah. My dad seemed pretty pissed. I'm just—I think it might be bad." He was jumpy about talking to his dad. I had never met his dad, but I was getting nervous for him.

"Well I'll see you tomorrow." I say and get out. Hopefully Joven doesn't get completely destroyed by his dad.

I walked in and made my way to the room he was in last night. His brother was there talking. I walked in and Shayne looked at me smiling. "Hey." He said.

"Hi." I breathed. Chris got up.

"I'll give you some alone time." He said and walked past me. I took a seat beside his bed.

"I would've come sooner but I had to go to school." I tell him.

He smiles. "I'm just glad you're here now." He said. "Do you know more about what happened? My mom tried to explain it, but she seemed a bit all over the place in her story." He asked.

"Oh yeah. So about that." I looked around and snapped. I hadn't done it much since I got back home. I didn't like doing it much anymore.

He looked at me bewildered and sat up. "This can't be good." He muttered.

"So we were walking out and you were shot. I didn't see anyone or even hear the gun shot. Next thing I knew you fell. You have a pretty good idea of what happened there. I didn't see anyone who looked suspicious, but when I got to the hospital I got a text that said 'Consider this a warning.'" I tell him.

He runs his fingers through his hair. "Are you saying we're being targeted?" He asked.

"I am at least. You were just there. They shot you because it was convenient." I tell him.

"Is that why you snapped? Do you think they're watching?" He asked.

"They have to be. No one but you me and Joven actually knew about the video. And Ms. Slaughter." I say.

"I bet you she's a spy." He said.

"More importantly, its the government that we're up against. We don't know where all they have eyes. They could even be in the hospital. I'm almost certain school is not a safe place to talk anymore. Not about this." I tell him. He went quiet.

"Are they going to kill you?" He asked.

"I can't predict the future, but if this is about the video then they could if I still try to get it out." I tell him.

He looks at me. "Don't tell me you're still considering it." He said.

"Everyone needs to know, but not if it could cost the life of the people I care about. They have the upper hand, resources. I don't want you or anyone else to get hurt again. But the government can't get away with this. Not after everything they've put us through." I tell him.

"Is there anything you've noticed weird in the past few days?" He asked me after a few moments.

"Not that I can think of." I look at my shoes. I tried to think over everything. "Umm...Joven was a bit jumpy when he dropped me off. Said he'd stop by tomorrow to see you, but that his dad was pissed about something." I told him. Shayne went dead silent.

"Oh god."

"What?" I asked.

"Joven, when I was driving to find you, he tipped me off that you had broken out. His uncle apparently works there." He told me. I felt my body go cold.

"So Joven and his entire family are now suspects. Any of them could be after me. Even Joven." Could he really? He was my friend. He wouldn't hurt me would he?

"Maybe we should just ask. If he knows anything he should tell us right?" He suggested.

"I would hope he would." I say. My circle of trust was starting to get smaller and smaller. I knew I could trust Shayne. He'd never do anything to hurt me. Same with my parents and his, they wouldn't hurt either of us. Outside of them I couldn't really say. I'd like to believe my friends wouldn't hurt us, but what about Joven. That raises flags for everyone.

I snapped my fingers.

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