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I went to school the next day and I was feeling pretty neutral. I didn't post the video last night, but I would when I got back from Jovens tonight. I was dreading 2nd because I missed Mrs. Williams. Ms. Slaughter only reminded me that she was gone.

I walked in and she looked at me with a smile. "Damien, can I speak with you after class?" She asked. I hadn't done anything to her. What could she need to talk to me about. I nodded as if I had a choice and took my seat. I spent all of class stressing over what she could want to talk about.

The bell finally rang. I stayed seating until most of the class filtered out and then stood and went to her desk. "You needed to speak to me?" I asked. "Yes." She nodded and looked at me. "Your mom emailed me and told me about whats been happening in your life. I'm so incredibly sorry about whats happened. I've been through something very similar and I know how hard it can be to make it over that hill." She said.

"You've been through something like this?" I asked. "When I was ten my moms ex boyfriend kidnapped me. I escaped before anything serious happened, but when I said it was him the court said that we easily could've been framing him. Conflict of interest. He walked." She told me. I felt bad fior her, but relieved. Someone who understood what I was going through. "I know when it happened to me I started planning crazy things. You're not planning anything crazy are you?" She asked. I felt safe telling her this. It wasn't even crazy. It was the truth.

"I filmed a video. I explained everything." I told her. "Damien. I won't stop you, there are a lot worse things you could do, but just consider the consequences. How many people will say you're lying if it goes viral. What the people who walk will try and do." She says. "I'm prepared to face the consequences. I'll email you a link tonight." I tell her. I smiled at her before leaving her class.

Unknown pov

"Sir he's planning on posting a video. Tonight." The woman spoke through the phone.

"Theresa—" "Do you realize what could happen to our country if this gets out. What could happen to you? Your colleagues?" She asked.

"Theresa I already know." I say.

"You do?" She sounded surprised.

"I have eyes everywhere. I already have a plan to push back the video." I tell her.

"Eyes everywhere? A plan?" She asked.

"My other contact owes me. That's unimportant. The plan will be compromised if I say anymore." I say calmly.

"Please don't tell me you're planning murder." She said.

"If I was no one would know it was me." I chuckled.

I heard her sigh. "I'll give you an update on things tomorrow after second." She says before hanging up. I put down the phone and look at the picture again. The kid, Damien, stood next to a blonde boy. Their hands were interlaced and they smiled. A couple.


Everyone had finished hanging out and everyone was starting to head home. I texted my mom telling her we were about to leave.

Mom: See if your friend can drop you by the store. We're almost out of milk.

I looked up at Lasercorn. "Hey Laserbro. Can we stop at the store? My mom said we need milk." I ask.

"Yeah sure. There's one on the way." He says as we leave. I had told Shayne about the conversation I had with Ms. Slaughter. When we reached the store Shayne got out with me.

"Whats up?" I asked. We entered the store.

"I just think its a bit weird. You arrived back at school then your teacher dies. The sub you get just so happens to have been in a similar situation?" He says.

"Yeah it's peculiar. I can't stress about that though. An hour or so and everyone will know about what happened." I tell him.

"Thats the thing. What if she's right? What the people from the government come for you?" He asks. I grab the jug of milk.

"I doubt they have time to be worrying about me. If anything they'll just have it taken off of the internet. Whats the point in coming after me?" I say.

"You saw things in there. You know what they do and what they're capable of. That makes you dangerous to them." He whispered. We reached the register.

"Then they'll take me again and I'll break out again and I'll get them in jail this time." I turn to him. "Trust me on this Shayne. It'll work out just fine." I say.

He looked like he wanted to argue, but he looked into my eyes and nodded. "Okay." He whispered. We checked out and he put and arm around my shoulder.

We began walking out and I reached into my pocket to see where Laser was parked. I turned to ask him to hold the milk, but he started sputtering. I looked at him curiously for a second as he held his side. It was red all over his light button up shirt. Before I could ask what happened he dropped.

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