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I sat in my room with Shayne and Joven. "So what should we do?" Joven asked. "I have an idea. I don't know if it'll work." I say. They both looked at me. "He texted me. Maybe I could try and talk to him." I explain. "I don't know. I doubt my uncle would text you back because you reached out to him. No matter how compelling your message is." Joven said. "Anything is worth a shot." I shrug pulling out my phone.

Me: Hey, killer man.
Me: I want to talk to you.

We all talked for a few minutes before my phone dinged.

Killer: what do you want to talk about?

Me: If I agree to not post the video will you stop trying to kill me, my friends, and my family?

Killer: I'd only agree to that if you sent me video proof that you've deleted it off your computer, camera, and any other device you could've saved it to.

Me: Okay. That's something I can work with. My friends are over, I'm gonna wait until they leave.

Killer: Why? Shayne already knows about me doesn't he?

Me: How do you know its Shayne who's over?

Killer: He's your boyfriend. He's always with you.

Me: Okay fair point. My other friend doesn't know about everything. I've kept everyone except Shayne completely in the dark.

Killer: Alright fine. As soon as they leave that video better be sent.

Me: I'll film it as soon as they go, don't worry.

I read back the messages to them. "What about the video? You're just gonna get rid of it?" Shayne asked. "I can refilm it, or my original plan," I get up and open my desk drawer. I pull put a flash drive. "Save it on here. Then when I delete it, I technically still have it." I say.

"Honestly, I feel like I need to refilm it because of all the bullshit they've put us through now." I tell them. They looked at each other. "Okay. That can work. It'll buy us time at least." Shayne said. We all talked for alittle while before Joven left. Shayne and I walked to his house together. "You think his uncle has any idea?" Shayne asked. "He might be suspicious. I'm gonna make the video of my deleting it and send it as soon as I get back." I say.

I got home quickly and pulled out my phone. I began filming. "This is what you wanted." I sigh and deleted both files from my computer and camera. "Happy now? Can you stop harassing me?" I ask. I end the video and send it. It was a few minutes before I received a text back.

Killer: I didn't think you'd actually do it.

Me: I care about the people close to me.
Me: Do we have a deal?

Killer: I'll keep my side since you kept your side.

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