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I got up getting dressed and walking to Shayne's. I tapped on the window and he opened it. "Did you do it?" He asked. "Yeah. I'm sure we're fine for now. We just can't do anything stupid until after we get him put away." I say. "Yeah. We should have Joven show us his evidence and then go to the police. Sooner the better." Shayne says. I nod. "I'll tell him at school." I say. We met out front and began walking to school.


I waited out front for Joven to show up. He was twenty-five minutes late. I turned to Shayne. "He should've been here by now. All he had to do was stop home and then come here." I say. I was getting nervous. I had been mostly positive up until this point. I hadn't really been thinking about consequences for us lying and deceiving his uncle. I was plainly scared that something had happened to him. He had taken too long at this point. My phone dinged on cue.

Killer: <photo message>
Killer: You really think I'm that stupid do you?
Killer: You think I hadn't found out my nephew was playing double agent?
Killer: He's not a spy. I could smell it on him.

The photo showed Joven badly beaten in what looked like an empty parking lot. It couldn't be school because people would still be there. He was unconscious or near it and had bruises already forming. Blood coming from his nose, swollen lips, black eyes. His clothes were ripped in places. I covered mouth nearly dropping my phone when I saw it.

"He got him." I said.

"What?" Shayne looked at me.

"His uncle. His unlce got to him." I felt sick to my stomach as I showed him the messages. He covered his mouth shaking his head.

"We have to just go to the police." Shayne says.

"And say what? That someone from the government has tried to kill me and my friends and I can prove it with some silly texts? They aren't going to believe me!" I run my fingers through my hair.

"Damien, we don't know they won't. The government has already come after you before. If you explain the context of the messages they should believe you." He grabs my shoulders. "Dude, we can't just not tell anyone. People are getting hurt." He says. I nod.

"We need to make sure Joven gets help quickly. We don't know how severe his injuries are."

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