Chapter 5: I Have a 67 in Math Cut Me Some Slack

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The C family made us put up these banners with uncompleted Windows icons on them. We refused because we don't like arts and crafts. We referred to the ancient text once more and read thusly,"No, I don't want to have sex!" and Stormed off into the night sky. Even though it was day time. Once night time rolls around Mr.Du-87nkle -starts burning books and Mr.Feudal started to round up the jews. Mrs.Daymont started up the showers and made sure they were not too hawt and not too culd.

We never saw those Jews again we think they went on a resort cruise thingy Mrs. Strumphski said, "They went bye-bye." and then broke out into song and started singing Backstreet Boisz. "Ain't no lie baby bye bye byeeeeee!" We yelled that in to the distance because the bird calling book told us that would attract a wild Backstreet Boi. It worked, there was a backstreet boi by the name of Brian Littrell who showed up singing "I Want it That Way" he was high so we referred to the ancient text of "What to do When One is High" we read thusly (Say "Yes" to sex!) ,"The message is everywhere. You see it on TV, in magazines, on the internet, on CD covers, in the classroom, and you hear it from your friends. If everyone says "yes" to sex before marriage does all the guilt, disappointment and disease that come with it disappear? No!" This told us the answer, we had to kill him. Aidan took out his gun and shot him twice in the foot, he was a bad shot did I mention it was at point blank range? "Yeh, he sux bumb bumb!"Bryant said at the top of his lungs. There he was, Nick Boylstein standing there with his flowing lockes of blond hair and his neck that was the size of Sir Bradley's lies which were the size of Dilain's [REDACTED] which was as big as John's brain which was as big as Aidan's glasses which was as big as Bryant's forehead which was as big as what used to be the Great wall of China. This did not surprise us ,as this was becoming normal and quite repetitive. 

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