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We got to her place and she gave me a pair of pyjamas and a cat noir mask but before I went to get changed I noticed pictures of myself on her wall. Oh well, she probably likes the fashion designs.
I went and got changed to see marinette in a beautiful night dress man she looked hot! No I love ladybug!
" Well thank you kitty, but it doesn't mean you are crushing on me if you think I look good but anyways speak for yourself you hot little cat..." she chuckles making me blush...

Marinette's POV:
I really wanted to tease that flustered little cat and he gave me the perfect chance with what he said next,
"Is it just me or is it hot in here?"
"Well duh! It's hot in here cos I'm in it with you. You're so PUNNY kitty," Now he was gonna explode I burst out laughing and then a smirk appeared on my face as a lightbulb lit up in my head as I started approaching him slowly... He started backing away slowly chuckling nervously, I put a lovesick smile on my face and when he hit a wall I sped up. He was really boiling now....
"M-mari I really need to go to the bathroom... heh- heh?"
"Do you want me to kiss your PURRFECT lips kitty? I'll be yours FURREVER, PURROMISE!" I think that was too much because he fainted on the spot. *Kitty.exe has stopped working*
I put him on my bed with a crossiant, macaroons, a cup of milk, a rose in a small vase and an apology note and I went to shower.

Lil cinnamon roll's POV:
I woke up to the sound of Marinette singing angel with a shotgun in the shower and let me be the first to say she sounded better than the song itself! I looked on the bedside table to see a tray full of goodies and a note,
"Hey kitty,
I'm really sorry! I was just joking but I really do think you're hawt, but a bit oblivious too. I love you as a best friend my little kitty and sorry again... I promised you to macaroons but never promised how.. right?
Love Mari xxx"
Okay I officially have a crush on Mari... I mean Ladybug does reject me all the time so might aswell love someone who loves me back, right?
This is hopeless...

Hi guys it's me again so I just want you guys to give me ideas on what should happen next to keep my audience enPURRtained. Love ya guys and most of all my Bugaboo. BTW I just really wanna prove MS that she can't write cat noir fanfics as good as me so please vote on who's better in this.
-Thx CN

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